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comp., MS компьютерлік жазба (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
 English thesaurus
CBR abbr.
abbr. Chesapeake Bay Retriever; Calculator Based Ranger; Central Board of Revenue; Central Bureau of Revenue; Certified Buyers Representative; Chemical Biological Radiological; Crude Birth Rate; Currently Being Revised; Caf Banquet Room; California bearing ratio (Vosoni); Can't Bloody Ride; Circuit Based Racer; cocoa butter replacer (В. Бузаков); comprehensive beacon radar (Vosoni); Complete Bed Rest
abbr., account. cash book - receipts side
abbr., auto. carburetor; combined brake system; controlled bum rate; controlled burn rate; copper brass radiator
abbr., avia. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; cast bronze; composite bearing less rotor; counter bore; current balance report; curve and breaking resistance
abbr., commer. Concurrent Budget Resolution
abbr., commun. constant bit rate
abbr., comp., net. content-based retrieval; continuous bit rate
abbr., ed. Certificate Of Botanical Recognition
abbr., ed., scient. Center for Biomedical Research
abbr., el. card buffer register; carry byte register; CAS-before-RAS; circuit board rack; command block register; communication barge receiver; constraint based routing; CAS before RAS; California bearing ratio test
abbr., IT Constant Bit Rate; case-based reasoning
abbr., law Case Based Reasoning; Central Bank of Russia (Gr. Sitnikov)
abbr., med. Colégio Brasileiro De Radiologia E Diagnóstico Por Imagem; Center for Blood Research
abbr., mil. Chemical Biological And Radiological; Chemical, Biological, Radiological
abbr., nautic. Canberra, Australia
abbr., opt. chemical, biological, radiological
abbr., pharma. Clinical Benefit Response Rate (Игорь_2006)
abbr., polit. chemical bacteriological and radiological
abbr., progr. case-based reasoning (ssn)
abbr., scottish Chemical, Biological, Radiological warfare; Common Bomb Rack; Phosgene and arsenious chloride chemical warfare mixture
abbr., sport. Championship Bull Riding; City Bike Race; Classic Bike Rider; Closed Body Racer
abbr., st.exch. Ciber, Inc.
abbr., tech. California Bearing Ratio
abbr., tradem. Claud Butler Racing; Cry Baby Records
abbr., transp. Check Before Running
ecol. chemical, biological and radiological
mil. chemical, biological, and radiological
O&G Californian bearing ratio
tech. commercial breeder reactor; computer-based recording
cbr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. counterbore
CBR abbr.
abbr. CAS before RAS refresh; chemical, biological and radiological warfare; cis-polybutadiene rubber; Community Bureau of Reference; cloud base recorder
abbr., avia. charger battery relay
abbr., busin. cast brass
abbr., earth.sc. channel bottom relief
abbr., IT committed burst rate; content based retrieval
abbr., med. Clinical Benefit Rate (amatsyuk)
abbr., multimed. computer-based reference; constant bit rate/bitrate
abbr., oil carbon burning rate; current balance record

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