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Alarms n
comp., MS Сигналдар (The app that enables users to set alarms, set timers, and run a stopwatch)
alarm [ə'lɑ:m] n
comp., MS сигнал (An alert that is set by the user to be activated at a particular time)
 English thesaurus
ALARM [ə'lɑ:m] abbr.
abbr., avia. airborne laser receiver module; air launched advanced ramjet missile; air launched antiradar missile; air launched antiradiation missile; alert, locate and report missile; alerting long range airborne radar for moving targets; automatic light aircraft readiness monitor
abbr., el. airborne long-range alerting radar for moving-targets; air-launched anti-radar missile; automatic linewidth and registration measurement system
abbr., manag. Alliance of Libraries, Archives and Records Management (peuplier_8)
abbr., mil. Air-Launched Anti-Radar Missile; Alert, Locate, And Report Missiles (missile warning satellite)
abbr., mil., air.def. advanced low altitude radar model; air launched anti-radar missile; alerting long range airborne radar for moving target; alerting long range airborne radar for MTI
abbr., scottish Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile; Alerting Long Range Airborne Radar for Moving Targets (USA)
mil. air-launched advanced ramjet missile; air-launched antiradar missile; Alert, Locate and Report Missiles; alerting long-range airborne radar for moving targets
alarm [ə'lɑ:m] n
energ.ind., abbr. aim; air
mil., abbr. alm
ALARMS abbr.
abbr., scottish Airborne Laser Radar Mine Sensor
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects