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default location
comp., MS ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಸ್ಥಳ (Information that describes the current location of a computer. The location is entered manually in Default Location, and can be used by programs to determine the location of a computer when a location sensor is unavailable); ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಸ್ಥಾನ (Information that describes the current location of a computer. The location is entered manually in Default Location, and can be used by programs to determine the location of a computer when a location sensor is unavailable)
Default Location
comp., MS ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಸ್ಥಳ, ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಸ್ಥಾನ (An area within the Windows Control Panel that allows the user to designate his home coordinates or address for location-aware functionalities)

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