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ದೃಢೀಕರಣ (The process of verifying the identity of a user, computer, process, or other entity by validating the credentials provided by the entity. Common forms of credentials are digital signatures, smart cards, biometric data, and a combination of user names and passwords); ಪ್ರಮಾಣೀಕರಣ (The process of verifying the identity of a user, computer, process, or other entity by validating the credentials provided by the entity. Common forms of credentials are digital signatures, smart cards, biometric data, and a combination of user names and passwords) | |||
English thesaurus | |||
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The act of verifying identity (Risk: Can also refer to the verification of the correctness of a piece of data 2. The act of verifying the identity of a user and the user’s eligibility to access computerized information. Assurance: Authentication is designed to protect against fraudulent logon activity. It can also refer to the verification of the correctness of a piece of data; i.e., user, system) | |||
authn | |||
Specific procedure permitting to establish the identity of one’s correspondent direct correspondent, author of the message, signing authority through an exchange of codes. 2. Verification of the identity of a user or equipment. (FRA) | |||
A security measure designed to protect a communications system against acceptance of a fraudulent transmission or simulation by establishing the validity of a transmission, message, or originator. see also evader, evasion, recovery operations, security; A means of identifying individuals and verifying their eligibility to receive specific categories of information. see also evader, evasion, recovery operations, security; Evidence by proper signature or seal that a document is genuine and official. see also evader, evasion, recovery operations, security; In personnel recovery missions, the process whereby the identity of an isolated person is confirmed (JP 3-50) see also evader, evasion, recovery operations, security |
authentication : 8 phrases in 1 subject |
Microsoft | 8 |