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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
span [spæn] n
gen. 架かる; 跨ぐ ichi1; 渡る ichi1 news2 nf41; 亘る; 渉る; 亙る usu. 渡る or 渉る; 架する (e.g. a stream with a bridge); 支間国鉄、 こくてつ (しかん) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 桁高比 Concrete Terminology Glossary (Gururaj Rao) ; 橋を架ける Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 掛かる橋が川に、 はしがかわに River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. 梁間 (はりま); 柱間 (はしら・ま); 支間 (しかん); スパン (supan)
tech. 差渡 (さしわたし); 支点間距離 (してん・かん・きょり); 張用 (はり'ま); (ま); (わたり)
n span | n [spæn] n
gen. スパン gai1 (supan); 一指当たり; 広がり news1 nf07 (ひろがり); 拡がり; 範囲 ichi1 news1 nf03 (はんい); 径間 (keikan); 渡り間; 広袤
n adj-no span | n adj-no [spæn] n
gen. 全長 news1 nf17 (ぜんちょう)
n-adv n n-t span | n-adv n n-t [spæn] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (temporal or spatial, ま)
output span [spæn] n
el., meas.inst. 出力スパン
 English thesaurus
span [spæn] n
metrol. The algebraic difference between the upper and lower limit values of a given range
SPAN [spæn] abbr.
abbr. School Property Account Number; Single Payer Action Network; Social Policy Action Network; Solidarity Philippines Australia Network; Southern Purist Against Nonsense; Span America Medical Systems, Inc.; Spay/Neuter Animal Network; Special Needs Advocacy Network; Standard Portfolio Analysis of Margin; State Planning Assistance Network; Statewide Parent Advocacy Network; Suicide Prevention Action Network; Supportive Parent Aide Network; Security Policy Automation Network; Space Physics and Analysis Network НАСА. DECnet
abbr., astronaut. Space Physics and Analysis Network
abbr., avia. space navigation center
abbr., comp. Switch Port Analyzer (PAYX)
abbr., comp., IT Super Passive Analyzer Node
abbr., comp., net., IT Switch Port Analysis Network; Switched Port ANalyzer
abbr., econ. The Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (Altuntash)
abbr., ed. School Parent Assistance Network; Special Education Action Network
abbr., el. space navigation (center); space physical analysis network
abbr., el.com. small personal area network
abbr., foreig.aff. Integrated Plan of Action for SMEs
abbr., med. Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network; solar particle alert network
abbr., media. Serials Periodicals And Newspapers
abbr., mil., avia. Solar particle alert network
abbr., nautic., scient. Space Physics Analysis Network
abbr., polit. Sixthformers Political Awareness Network
abbr., scottish Stored Programme Alphanumeric
abbr., st.exch. Standard Portfolio ANalysis of Risk
abbr., tel. Switched port analyzer (Yakov)
comp. Spacelab payload accomodation handbook
mil. South Pacific action network; space communications network; spacecraft analysis; system for projection and analysis
Span. abbr.
abbr., libr. Spanish
SPAN [spæn] abbr.
abbr., clin.trial. Startle, Physiological Arousal, Anxiety, and Numbness (natalitom)
abbr., IT service and protocols for advanced networks
abbr., oil Schlumberger perforating analysis
abbr., space solar-particle [proton] alert network; space communication network; statistical processing and analysis
: 89 phrases in 11 subjects
Automatic control1
Electric motors3
Electric traction3
Power lines9