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[lɔt] n
gen. 一山 news2 nf47 (in sale, ひとやま); ひと山 (in sale); 地面区画の、 くかくの (ぢめん) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 画地 (かくち) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS ロット (A quantity of one item or a number of items of the same kind, rotto)
construct. 敷地 (shikichi)
tech. (ぴつ); ロット (rotto)
n lot | n [lɔt] n
gen. 一区; 運命 ichi1 news1 nf07; 土地 ichi1 news1 nf01 (tochi); 敷地 ichi1 news1 nf06 (shikichi); 一山いくら (in a sale)
n uk lot | n uk [lɔt] n
gen. ichi1;
one's lot [lɔt] n
gen. 境地 news1 nf17; ichi1 (ぶん)
Lot [lɔt] n
geogr. ロト (France)
n one's lot | n [lɔt] n
gen. 禄命
 English thesaurus
lot [lɔt] abbr.
abbr. large orbiting telescope
abbr., amer. parking lot (as in "Lot Full" - объявление "На автостоянке свободных мест нет" Val_Ships)
mil., logist. Set of items identified in order to facilitate their employment and management. (FRA)
lot. abbr.
abbr. lotion
LOT [lɔt] abbr.
abbr., el. laminated overlay transistor; lapped orthogonal transform; large orbital telescope; light operated typewriter; line output transformer; local trunk
abbr., fin. lapse of time decision
LOT [lɔt] abbr.
abbr. Line-of-Travel; Lot; Lots Of Talent
abbr., avia. Lockport, Illinois USA
abbr., comp., net. logical device table
abbr., dril. leakoff test; leak of test
abbr., inet. Lot Of Trouble
abbr., IT Auxiliary file for List Of Tables
abbr., Makarov. laser optical transmission
abbr., med. Lateral Olfactory Tract (study); left occipitotransverse (fetal position); Long-Term Outcome After Thrombolysis (study); Living Organic Tissue; lateral orbital thickening (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Left On Top; Limited Operational Test
abbr., nautic. loads over top (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. formation leak off test
abbr., oil leak off test; leak-off test; lubricating oil test for tightness
abbr., physiol., med. Left Occiput Transverse; Lotion
abbr., scient. Life Orientation Test
abbr., scottish Life Of Type; Low-Observables Technology
abbr., sport. Legends Of Tomorrow
abbr., UN Liaison and Observation Team
ecol. load-on-top
mil. live operational training; lock on track; low observable technology
oil, abbr. load on top
tech. large optical tracker; low observables technology
: 187 phrases in 9 subjects
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