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n adj-no junior

| n adj-no ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 下級 news1 nf20 (officer); 次席 news1 nf13; 年下 ichi1 news1 nf17; ; 二代目
n junior | n ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 後輩 ichi1 news1 nf08 (at work, school, etc.); 目下 ichi1 news1 nf11; 三回生; 3回生
n one's junior | n ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 後進 news1 nf18 (kōshin)
one's junior ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 来者
n adj-f junior | n adj-f ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. ジュニア gai1
n n-suf n-pref junior | n n-suf n-pref ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 二世 news1 nf08
adj-f junior | adj-f ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. 従たる
Junior ['ʤu:nɪə] n
gen. ジュニア
 English thesaurus
junior ['ʤu:nɪə] abbr.
abbr., mil. jun (по званию); junr (по званию)
abbr., mining. jn
mil., abbr. jnr; jr
juniors n
min.prod., busin. junior company (Junior Mining companies are low market cap and thinly traded exploration companies that are primarily involved in the exploration of gold, silver, or other elements & minerals. Juniors seek potential opportunities by acquiring properties that can yield large resource deposits. 'More)
: 195 phrases in 10 subjects
Humorous / Jocular2
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization5
Obsolete / dated2

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