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['ɪntrɪst] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf01; ; 視聴 news1 nf15; 色気 news1 nf20; 利益 ichi1 news1 nf02 (of the public, etc., りえき); 交じる ichi1; 混じる ichi1 news2 nf34; 雑じる; 交る io; 興味を持つ Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 金利 (きんり) Glossary of Financial Terms (Kevin Seaver)
comp., MS 利息 (An amount charged for the use of money or credit, りそく)
n interest | n ['ɪntrɪst] n
gen. インタレスト; 感興 news2 nf46; 関心 ichi1 news1 nf01 (かんしん); 興趣 (in something); 興味 ichi1 news1 nf04 (in something, きょうみ); news1 nf02 (りり); 利回り news1 nf06 (りまわり); 利害 ichi1 news1 nf08 (リがい); 利金 (money); 利権 news1 nf10 (りけん); 利子 ichi1 news1 nf09 (bank, りし); news1 nf07; 面白み news2 nf33; 面白味; 持ち分 news2 nf33 (in company); 持分 (in company, もちぶん); 面白さ
interests n
gen. 興味 (きょうみ) Business & Marketing Glossary (Adam Rice) ; 関心 (かんしん) Business & Marketing Glossary (Adam Rice) ; 趣味 Business & Marketing Glossary (Adam Rice)
tech. 持分 (もちぶん)
n one's interests | n n
gen. 権益 news1 nf18 (けんえき)
adj-na n interest | adj-na n ['ɪntrɪst] n
gen. 乗り気 ichi1 news1 nf24; 乗気 ichi1
n adj-no vs interest | n adj-no vs ['ɪntrɪst] n
gen. 気乗り (in something)
one's interest ['ɪntrɪst] n
gen. 耳目 news2 nf31 spec2
n yoji interests | n yoji n
gen. 利害関係 news1 nf22 (リがいかんけい)
 English thesaurus
interest ['ɪntrɪst] abbr.
abbr. in
abbr., bank. riba (MichaelBurov)
abbr., law int.
: 290 phrases in 8 subjects
International Monetary Fund13
Obsolete / dated4

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