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n one's forte

| n ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf03 (かぶ); 十八番 news1 nf15; 御箱; 御家芸; お家芸 news2 nf31; 御株; お株 news2 nf36; 手の物; 御手の物; お手の物
n forte | n ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] n
gen. 強み news1 nf11; 強味 ateji; 特長 news2 nf27 spec2
mus. フォルテ
Forte ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] n
gen. フォルテ (unclass); フォルト (unclass)
adj-na n forte | adj-na n ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] n
gen. 得手
one's forte ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] n
gen. 得意 ichi1 news1 nf05
Fortes n
gen. フォルテス (unclass)
 English thesaurus
forte ['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] abbr.
abbr., meteorol. f
abbr., space fast on-orbit recording of transient events
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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