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['kɔpɪ] adj.
gen. 後追い news2 nf29; 跡追い; 似せる ichi1 news2 nf38; 模する; 摸する; コピる; 擬する; 模す; 摸す; 擬す; 謄写する Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat) ; 広告文章 Business & Marketing Glossary (Adam Rice)
law 複製物 Japanese Law Translation Database System
tech. コピー; 複写製図 (ふくしゃせいず)
n copy | n ['kɔpɪ] adj.
gen. 似たり; 荷足り; 原稿 ichi1 news1 nf06 (げんこう); 写し news1 nf24 (うつし); ichi1 (ふく); 副書; 副本 (ふくほん); 複本; 儀刑; 儀型; 儀形; 粉本; 複製品
n vs copy | n vs ['kɔpɪ] adj.
gen. コピー gai1 ichi1; プリント gai1 ichi1; 擬製 (gisei); 謄写; 複写 ichi1 news2 nf28 (ふくしゃ); 模写 news2 nf27 (of the real thing, もしゃ); 摸写 (of the real thing)
n n-suf copy | n n-suf ['kɔpɪ] adj.
gen. 控え news1 nf13 (hikae); 扣え
abridged copy ['kɔpɪ] adj.
law 抄本 (しょうほん) Japanese Law Translation Database System
news copy ['kɔpɪ] adj.
gen. ichi1 (しゅ)
certified copy ['kɔpɪ] adj.
law 謄本 (とうほん) Japanese Law Translation Database System
 English thesaurus
COPY ['kɔpɪ] abbr.
abbr. Community Opportunities And Programs For Youth; Copytele, Inc.
COPY ['kɔpɪ] abbr.
abbr., chem. n-caproylpyrazolone
: 139 phrases in 8 subjects
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