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adv most

| adv [məust] n
gen. 一番 ichi1 news1 nf01 (いちばん); 1番; 最も ichi1 news1 nf01; 尤も
obs. ;
adj-no n most | adj-no n [məust] n
gen. 大抵 ichi1 news1 nf24; 最多 news1 nf04 (numerous)
adv n-suf most | adv n-suf [məust] n
gen. 至極 news2 nf45
pref most | pref [məust] n
gen. 素っ (emphasis)
n-adv,n-t most [məust] n
gen. 殆ど Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) ; 殆んど Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
exp adv n adj-na most | exp adv n adj-na [məust] n
gen. 何より ichi1 news1 nf06
n-adv most | n-adv [məust] n
gen. 大部 news2 nf26 (e.g. most part)
adj-no most | adj-no [məust] n
gen. 最優秀 (valuable player)
Most [məust] n
geogr. モスト (Czech, Slovak)
 English thesaurus
MOST [məust] abbr.
abbr. Market Order System of Trading; Ministry Of Science and Technology; Ministry Of Silly Talks; Mothers Of Super- Twins; Municipal Option Sales Tax; Media Orientated Systems Transport; metal-oxide-semiconductor; Mobile Open Systems Technologies (UK, Uni Lancaster); Mobilization Optimization Stabilization And Training; Mosaic Optical Sensor Technology; Moscow Office Support Team (SEIC ABelonogov); Multispectral Observations Of Storm Tops
abbr., astr., scient. Microvariability Oscillations of STars
abbr., astronaut. Mobile Satillite Communications via the TDRSS programme
abbr., auto. multi-media opportune system transmission
abbr., avia. metal oxide semiconductor transistor; metal-oxide-silicon MOS transistor
abbr., avia., med. mission-oriented simulator training
abbr., comp., net., IT Media Oriented Systems Transport
abbr., el. metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor; metal-oxide-silicon transistor; metal oxide surface transistor; micromation output software translator; modular office system terminal; motion/still camera
abbr., IT metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor
abbr., med. MOde Selection Trial
abbr., microel. metal-oxide silicon transistor
abbr., mil. Mobilization Optimization Stabilization and Training
abbr., mil., avia. metal-oxide surface transistor
abbr., nautic., scient. Method Of Splitting Tsunami
abbr., R&D. Method of Splitting Tsunami (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scient. Management Of Social Transformation; Multispectral Observations of Storm Tops
abbr., scottish Mission-Orientated Simulator Training (USA)
abbr., transp. Mobile Over Snow Transport
energ.ind. Ministry of Science and Technology
mil. mobile optical surveillance tracker
tech. MOS transistor
MOST [məust] abbr.
abbr. media oriented system transport; metal-oxide-semiconductor type field effect transistor
abbr., astronaut. Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (semfromshire)
abbr., earth.sc. monin-obukhov simularity theory
abbr., oil microbial oil survey technique; multiple operation shut-in tool
abbr., space metal oxide silicon semiconductor transistor; microvariability and oscillation of stars
: 169 phrases in 12 subjects
Obsolete / dated5

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