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[tæg] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (ふだ); ; (usu. bamboo, wood, ivory, etc.); (usu. bamboo, wood, ivory, etc.)
comp., MS タグを付ける (To apply a marker to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information); タグ (A marker used to identify a physical object. An RFID tag is an electronic marker that stores identification data); タグ付け (To apply an identification marker to an item, case, or pallet); マークする (To request an alert for a specific contact when that contact's presence status changes)
tech. 標識 (hyōshiki)
n tag | n [tæg] n
gen. タッグ; 下げ札 (さげふだ); 荷札 ichi1 (にふだ); 付け札 (つけふだ); 付札; 付け紙; 付箋; 附箋; 付票; 附票; 合札; 合い札
n tag [tæg] n
gen. 名札 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n-suf n tag | n-suf n [tæg] n
gen. sometimes びょう, ぴょう as a suffix ichi1 news1 nf06
 English thesaurus
TAG [tæg] abbr.
abbr., data.prot. Threat Analysis Group (Google infosecurity-magazine.com Alex_Odeychuk)
tag [tæg] abbr.
O&G tongued-and-grooved
TAG [tæg] abbr.
abbr. telecomputer application group; Teambuilding Adventure And Growth; Technical Assistance Group; Technician Affiliate Group; Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia; The Atlanta Gathering; Target Actions Group; Target Aimpoint Graphic; Teacher Assistance Given; TEMPEST Advisory Group; The Adjutant General; Theater Army Group; Thomas Aircraft Group; Transaction Analysis Graphics; Transfer Admission Guarantee Program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., avia. tactical air group; tactical aircraft group; Tagbilaran, Philippines; tactical airlift group; telegraphist air gunner; telescoped ammunition gun; thrust alleviated gyroscope
abbr., avia., med. trans-cockpit authority gradient
abbr., earth.sc. total available generation; Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse
abbr., ecol. Trans-Atlantic Geo-Traverse
abbr., ed. Talented And Gifted; Teacher Advisor Group; Tuition Aid Grant
abbr., ed., scient. Transfer Admission Guarantee
abbr., el. the acronym generator; transient analysis generator; technical advisory group
abbr., food.ind. triacylglycerol (Yerkwantai)
abbr., hack. Threat Analysis Group (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., IT DataFlex Query Tag name; Terminal Access Controller; technical architecture group
abbr., lab.eq. TriAcylGlycerol
abbr., law Tactical Assault Group
abbr., med. target-attaching globulin; Thalassemia Action Group
abbr., mil. technical assistance group; the adjutant general; Tomahawk land-attack missile aimpoint graphic; Technical Advisory Group; Troop Action Guidance
abbr., mil., WMD Transatlantic Center
abbr., nautic., scient. Trans Atlantic Geotraverse
abbr., oil Tagliabue hydrometer; Tagliabue viscosimeter; Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (program); Trans-Austria Gasline
abbr., physiol., med. Topical Antimicrobial Gel
abbr., police Tactical Aid Group
abbr., progr. tree-adjoining grammar (ssn)
abbr., railw. Norfolk Southern Railway Company
abbr., relig. The Ares Gods
abbr., scottish Target Adaptive Guidance circuit; Telescoped-Ammunition Gun; Towed Acoustic Generator; Training Advisory Group (UK)
abbr., space target aim point graphic; thrust-alleviated gyroscope
abbr., sport. Take And Give
abbr., st.exch. Tag- It Pac, Inc.
abbr., transp. Tactical Air Group; Transportation Acronym Guide; Transportation Alternatives Group
energ.ind. test assembly grapple
mil. tactical airlift group; technical assessment group; telemetry-system analysis group; terminating and grounding; test analysis guide; training aids guide; transport air group
tech. Tag Tagliabue; technical assessment guide; telecomputer applications group
Игорь Миг, abbr., sec.sys. Tactical Assault Group
Tag [tæg] abbr.
abbr., oil Tagliabue
: 107 phrases in 9 subjects

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