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adj-na n sarcasm

| adj-na n ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
gen. 嫌味; 嫌み; 厭味; 厭み
n vs adj-no sarcasm | n vs adj-no ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
gen. 風刺 ichi1 news1 nf16; 諷刺
n sarcasm ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
gen. 当てこすり Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) ; 当て擦り Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
adj-na n adj-no sarcasm | adj-na n adj-no ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
gen. 皮肉 ichi1 news1 nf14
n vs sarcasm | n vs ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
gen. 冷評
n sarcasm | n ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] n
obs. 当て言
 English thesaurus
sarcasm ['sɑ:kæz(ə)m] abbr.
abbr., school.sl. sarc
lit. A type of verbal irony, where one says one thing but means another, often for the purpose of comedy. see also irony
: 3 phrases in 1 subject

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