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[aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. 考え ichi1 news1 nf01; news2 nf25 spec2; ; エイドス (in Platonic philosophy)
n idea | n [aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. アイデア gai1 ichi1; アイディア gai1; アィディア; イデー; イデア (in Platonic thought); 一案 news2 nf32; 一策 news2 nf38; 作意 (さくい); 思いつき spec1; 思い付き ichi1; 思想 ichi1 news1 nf03; 趣向 news1 nf14; news2 nf25 spec2; esp. 〜の念 news1 nf06; 理念 ichi1 news1 nf03; 意向 ichi1 news1 nf01; 意嚮; 主意; 趣意; 存念; 想念; パンセ
n vs idea | n vs [aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. 構想 ichi1 news1 nf02; 考案 news2 nf33 spec2 (こうあん); 着想 news2 nf34; 発想 ichi1 news1 nf04; 了見; 料簡; 了簡; 着意; 発案 news1 nf19; 発意; 落想
Idea [aɪ'dɪə] n
given. いであ; 意出亜
n adj-no idea | n adj-no [aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. 観念 ichi1 news1 nf17; 表象 news2 nf40
n idea [aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. 考え方 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n n-suf idea | n n-suf [aɪ'dɪə] n
gen. ichi1 (あん)
n IDEA | n [aɪ'dɪə] n
comp. アイディーイーエー
 English thesaurus
IDEA [aɪ'dɪə] abbr.
abbr. Idaho Distance Education Academy; Industrial Design Excellence Awards; Innovation Development Employment And Applications; Institutional Data Easy Access; Institutional Development Award; Interactive Distance Education Alliance; Identify, Design, Execute, Augment (Process for changing anything. Interex); International Desalination and Environmental Association; Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF)
abbr., avia. inlet door emergency activator; intelligence diagnosis expertise administration
abbr., comp.name. International Data Exchange Association
abbr., ed. Individual Development And Educational Assessment; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; Instant Digital Education Assistant; Interior Distance Education Of Alaska
abbr., ed., scient. Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment; Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments; Internet Differential Equations Activities
abbr., inet. International Distributed Experiment Archives
abbr., IT Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis; Interactive Digital Electronic Appliance
abbr., karate. integrated digital electric aircraft
abbr., med. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act; International DermatoEpidemiology Association; Inverted Duplication Exchange And Advocacy
abbr., mil., avia. identify, develop, expose and action
abbr., police Improvement and Development Agency
abbr., progr. international data encryption algorithm (ssn)
abbr., scottish International Defence Equipment & Aerospace Exhibition
abbr., sec.sys., IT International Data Encryption Algorithm
abbr., vet.med., med. In The Defense Of Earth And Animals
tech. interface and display electronics assembly
IDEAS abbr.
abbr. Ideas Design Engineering And Students; Improving Delivery Of Educational Advising For Students; Increasing Diversity And Equality Among Students; Innovation Design Enterprise Action And Service; Innovation Dissemination Evaluation And Application Strategy; Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis Program; Instructional Development Experiences Applications And Solutions; Intelligence Data Element Authorization Standards; Inter Disciplinary Educational Alternative Strategies; Interactive Data Evaluation And Action Support; Interest Determination Exploration And Assessment System; International Decade of Exploration and Assessment of the Seas; Internet Design Engineering And Security
abbr., auto. integrated design engineering analysis system
abbr., avia. integrated design and engineering automated system; interactive design and evaluation of advanced spacecraft
abbr., dril. Integrated Dynamic Engineering Analysis System (MichaelBurov); Smith Bits' Integrated Dynamic Engineering Analysis System (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. integrated decision aiding simulator
abbr., el. integrated design and analysis system; intelligent design environment analysis system
abbr., med. Information On Disability - Equipment, Access Service
abbr., mil. Intelligence Data Elements Authorized Standards
abbr., mil., avia. integrated design engineering analysis software
IDeA [aɪ'dɪə] abbr.
abbr. intelligent design aid (ssn)
IDEA [aɪ'dɪə] abbr.
abbr., avia. Integrated Digital Electric Airplane (ВосьМой)
abbr., earth.sc. International Desalination & Environmental Association
abbr., med. Individual with Disabilities Educational Act (paseal)
abbr., oil inductive data exploration and analysis
: 190 phrases in 8 subjects
Humorous / Jocular2
Titles of works of art1

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