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noun | verb | to phrases
appeal [ə'pi:l] n
gen. 擽る ichi1; 擽ぐる io; 運動 ichi1 news1 nf01 (undō); 泣き付く; 泣付く; 泣きつく; 呼びかける spec1; 呼び掛ける ichi1 news1 nf16; 呼掛ける; 檄を飛ばす; げきを飛ばす; 激を飛ばす ik; 甘味 ichi1; 甘み news1 nf22; あま味; 上告する River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 控訴する Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
econ. 異議申立て
law 控訴 (【注】原則はappealのみでよい。他の上訴と明確に区別する必要のある場合に(to the court of second instance)を付記する。; to the court of second instance, こうそ) Japanese Law Translation Database System ; 不服申立て (ふふくもうしたて) Japanese Law Translation Database System
slang アピる
tech. 訴求 (そきゅう)
n vs appeal | n vs [ə'pi:l] n
gen. アピール gai1 ichi1 (e.g. to public opinion); アッピール (e.g. to public opinion); 哀願; 哀訴; 懇請 news2 nf40; 陳情 news1 nf10 (ちんじょう); 要請 ichi1 news1 nf02 (ようせい); 訴願 (そがん)
n appeal | n [ə'pi:l] n
gen. 求め; 迫力 ichi1 news1 nf08; 魅力 ichi1 news1 nf03; 面白み news2 nf33; 面白味; 呼びかけ ichi1 news1 nf07; 呼び掛け news1 nf11
n vs adj-no appeal | n vs adj-no [ə'pi:l] n
gen. 上訴 (in court, じょうそ); 嘆願 news2 nf28 spec2; 歎願
appeals n
gen. 不服申立 (administrative) Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
final appeal [ə'pi:l] n
law 上告 (じょうこく) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n written appeal | n [ə'pi:l] n
gen. news2 nf31
appeals [ə'pi:l] n
gen. 不服申立 (in koukoku) Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
n appeal [ə'pi:l] n
gen. 訴え (うったえ) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
 English thesaurus
appeal [ə'pi:l] abbr.
abbr., law  
law a review of a previously tried case by a higher court; to file a case in a higher court; When someone that loses at least part of a case asks a higher court called an "APPELLATE COURT" to review the decision and say if it is right. This is called "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." The person that appeals is called the "APPELLANT." The other person is called the "APPELLEE."
law, abbr. appl.
: 96 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1