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['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. 作用薬 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 薬剤 (やくざい) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 代行 (だいこう) Glossary of Financial Terms (Kevin Seaver)
comp., MS エージェント (A managed software component that monitors events and performance pertaining to a specific application component, and transmits observations to a host application for display, action, or reporting); 代理人 (A user who works for a company that is a valid partner tenant who has been assigned either limited or full administration agent role, だいりにん)
n agent | n ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. エイジェント; 周旋人; 出張員; 世話人 news1 nf08; 代行者 (だいこうしゃ); 代人 news1 nf13 (dainyū); 代理業者 (だいりぎょうしゃ); 代理者 (だいりしゃ); 代理店 news1 nf07 (だいりてん); 動因; 斡旋者 (あっせんしゃ); 取扱人; 動作主; 口入れ人 (e.g. for employing servants); 中継ぎ人; 仲継人 ik
comp. エージント
n vs agent | n vs ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. 仲立ち news2 nf39; 仲立 io (なかだち);
n vs adj-no agent | n vs adj-no ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. 代理 ichi1 news1 nf03 (だいり)
n agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. 主体 (しゅたい) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) ; 行為者 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n-suf agent | n-suf ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
n adj-no agent | n adj-no ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
gen. 調査官
Agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
comp., MS エージェント (A managed software component that monitors events and performance pertaining to a specific application component, and transmits observations to a host application for display, action, or reporting)
 English thesaurus
agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] n
cinema A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, or other artist. An agent typically negotiates the contracts on behalf of the actor or director, and often has some part in selecting or recommending roles for their client.
law someone who has authority to act for another; one who officially represents someone else
law, abbr. agt.
mil., abbr. agt
mil., logist. In intelligence usage, one who is recruited, trained, controlled and employed to obtain and report information. (FRA)
USA In intelligence usage, one who is authorized or instructed to obtain or to assist in obtaining information for intelligence or counterintelligence purposes (JP 2-01.2)
AGENT ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] abbr.
mil. advanced graphite experiments nosetip testing
: 440 phrases in 14 subjects
Computer networks2
Name of organization1

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