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['sɪnənɪm] n
gen. 異名 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
comp., MS 同意語 (A word with the same meaning as another in the same language but often with different implications and associations)
ling. 代名詞 ichi1 news1 nf17
n synonym | n ['sɪnənɪm] n
gen. 同義語 news2 nf32 spec2 (どうぎご)
comp. シノニム gai1 (partic. in computing and technical contexts); 同義名
n ling synonym ['sɪnənɪm] n
gen. 類語 (るいご) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) ; 類義語 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
 English thesaurus
synonym ['sɪnənɪm] abbr.
abbr. syn; synon
abbr., gram. syn. (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/syn-_1?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
gram. synonymous (ssn)
Synonym ['sɪnənɪm] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .syn (file name extension)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects

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