gen. |
鞘 news2 nf44 (on pen, brush, etc., さや); 冠する; 冠す |
phys. |
口金 (kuchigane) |
tech. |
転 (ころがし); 帽 (ぽう); 押木 (おしぎ); キャップ (kyappu) |
gen. |
キャップ gai1 (kyappu); 蓋 ichi1 news2 nf30 (ふた); 帽子 ichi1 news1 nf09; 冠 ichi1 news1 nf06 (esp. a traditional cap worn with sokutai or ikan clothing) |
n hunting cap | n [kæp] v | |
gen. |
鳥打帽; 鳥打ち帽 |
gen. |
帽 (ぽう) |
gen. |
カスケット |
gen. |
口金 news2 nf47 (kuchigane) |
n largish cap | n [kæp] v | |
gen. |
キャスケット |
comp. |
競合アクセス業者 |
English thesaurus |
abbr., chess.term. |
captain of a team |
abbr., libr. |
foolscap |
abbr., med., lat. |
capiat |
fin. |
cap |
inf. |
captain (MichaelBurov) |
abbr. |
cyclic AMP receptor protein |
abbr., adv. |
Canadian Associated Press; Committee of Advertising Practice |
abbr., AI. |
computer-aided planning |
abbr., anim.husb. |
chloro-acetoxy progesterone; Committee on Agricultural Policies (ECE); 6-chloro-6-17-acetoxy-progesterone |
abbr., auto. |
connector position assurance |
abbr., avia. |
civil aviation products; commercial aviation products; common avionics processor; computer aided programming; contractor acquired acquire property; contract authorized proposal; cost account package; cost account plan |
abbr., food.ind. |
continuous adsorption process |
abbr., meteorol. |
catabolic gene activity protein; College of American Pathologists; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Cisplatin; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Platinol; cystine aminopeptidase |
abbr., mil., avia. |
Canadian Aircraft Products |
abbr., O&G, oilfield. |
casing annulus packer (Yerkwantai) |
abbr., oil |
corporate accounting principles (NPSZRK) |
abbr., tech. |
controlled atmosphere packaging |
abbr., textile |
computer aided pattern |
abbr., astr. |
Capricornus |
abbr., med. |
∑-aminocaproic acid |
abbr. |
capitals; capsule |
abbr., auto. |
camshaft position; College Automotive Program; crank angular position |
abbr., med. |
cAMP receptor |
abbr. |
capital (Vosoni); captured; fools-cap (paper size Vosoni) |
austral. |
capitalize |
automat. |
capacitance |
inf. |
captain (MichaelBurov) |
med. |
capsule (Vosoni) |
O&G |
capture |
polygr. |
capital letter |
abbr. |
capacitance; capacity; captain |
abbr., earth.sc. |
capital |
abbr., med. |
capsule |
IT |
capacitor |
file.ext. |
Capture (file name extension) |
abbr. |
computer-aided planning; cost-awareness program; Contract, Asset and Procurement Committee ( Комитет по контрактам, активам и закупкам Divina); Civil Air Patrol; Campus Access Point; Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T); Change Acceleration Process; Collected And Assessed Problem; Committee on Accounting Procedure (Lavrov); Common Agricultural Program (Vladimir71); Computer Aided Planning (CIM); Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН) Vladimir71); Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins; CAPsula CAPsule |
abbr., account. |
chargeable accounting period |
abbr., agric. |
controlled atmosphere packing |
abbr., agric., econ. |
Common Agricultural Policy |
abbr., airports |
Civil Aviation Publication (AllaR) |
abbr., astronaut. |
C-Adapter Platform (semfromshire) |
abbr., automat. |
computer-aided production; computer access processor |
abbr., avia. |
Career Achievement Portfolio; corrective action plan; corrective action programs; computer aided publishing (Interex) |
abbr., avia., Canada |
Canada Air Pilot |
abbr., avia., med. |
cyclic alternating pattern |
abbr., biochem. |
catabolite activator protein (iwona) |
abbr., biol. |
coronary artery pressure |
abbr., busin. |
capacitor; capitalization; cash against policy |
abbr., commer. |
Contractor Acquired Property |
abbr., commun. |
CAMEL Application Part |
abbr., comp. |
Cellular Array Processor (Vosoni) |
abbr., comp., net. |
contention access period; communications access processor; communication access point; competitive access providers |
abbr., desert. |
catabolite gene activation protein |
abbr., earth.sc. |
capillary arc-plasma; Central Amazonian Province; chlor acetophenone; chloro acetophenone; climate application programme; Coastal Andhra Pradesh (India); Continental Africa Project |
abbr., econ. |
consolidated appeals process |
abbr., el. |
call analysis program; capacitance analysis programs package; card assembly program; carrier amplitude phase (data encoding technology); carrierless amplitude-modulation, phase-modulation; chain addition program; channel access protocol; channel assignment problem; code analysis processor; communications analysis package; communications applications processor; computer-aided preparation; computer-aided probe; computer-aided process; computer-aided publisher; computer-assisted printing; content access point; cut and paste; customer administration panel; computerized attendant's position; carrierless amplitude-phase (modulation) |
abbr., engl. |
computer aided planning |
abbr., file.ext. |
Caption (Ventura Publisher); Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation; Compressed music file; Session capture file (ProComm - Telix) |
abbr., fin. |
common agricultural policy; Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community |
abbr., IT |
computer-assisted publishing; controlled access protection; Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation; computer-aided publishing |
abbr., manag. |
ex capital expenditure; contract award price |
abbr., med. |
catabolite gene activator protein; controlled attenuation parameter; Camptodactyly-arthropathy-pericarditis (syndrome); Carcinoma Of The Prostate; Catabolite Gene Activator Protein; Cellular Acetate Propionate; Community-acquired pneumonia (Elmitera); community acquired pneumonia (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., med.appl. |
customer acceptance procedure (harser) |
abbr., mil. |
civil augmentation program; combat air patrol; configuration and alarm panel; crisis action planning; Competitive Access Provider |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Chemical Activity, Pacific |
abbr., mol.biol. |
catabolic activator protein (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., multimed. |
carrierless amplitude/phase modulation |
abbr., neur.net. |
credit assignment problem (clck.ru dimock) |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Concern, Action, Perspective |
abbr., O&G. tech. |
Critical Alarm Panel (Панель критических аварийных сигналов ElviVine) |
abbr., oil |
compression and absorption plant; capillary arc plasma; Capitanian; casing annulus packers; chlorinated atactic polypropylene; clean air package; colour amplitude-phase; computer analysis and programming; computer-aided programming; computerized analysis and placement; condition assessment program; contract required property; control anticipation parameter; country action plan; cycloalkanoporphyrin; caliper log |
abbr., org.name. |
procedimiento de llamamientos unificados |
abbr., pharm. |
cellulose acetate phthalate (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., pharma. |
centrally authorised product (a medicine with a single marketing authorisation issued by the European Commission and valid across the European Union CRINKUM-CRANKUM) |
abbr., physiol. |
compound action potential (MichaelBurov); Capsule |
abbr., plann. |
Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning kotechek) |
abbr., police |
Candidate Advancement Program (in LAPD; The Candidate Advancement Program (CAP) has the following purpose: To assist the candidate in attaining a satisfactory level of physical fitness. To assist the candidate in achieving a passing score on the Physical Abilities Test Taras) |
abbr., polym. |
chloracetophenone; cellulose acetate propionate |
abbr., post |
Corporate Automation Plan |
abbr., pulm. |
community-acquired pneumonia (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
continuous audit procedure |
abbr., scottish |
Capacity; Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France); Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas); Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA); Combat Ammunition Production (USAF); Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO) |
abbr., sec.sys. |
common action programme |
abbr., space |
carrier air patrol; carrierless amplitude and phase modulation; component acceptance procedure; computer application program; contract acquired property; controlled acceleration propulsion; crew activity plan |
abbr., tax. |
Collection Appeals Progra (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock); Collection Appeals Program (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock) |
abbr., telecom. |
circuit access point; concentrator access point |
abbr., UN |
Consolidated Appeal Process |
abbr., USA |
Climate Action Plan (pkat89) |
biochem., abbr. |
Chloramphenicol |
med. |
chronic abdominal pain (gnev) |
med., abbr. |
catabolite activator protein |
mil. |
Capabilities |
mil., abbr. |
centralized assignment procedure; chief aviation pilot; chloroacetophenone; civil air patrol; cleared as planned; combat aircraft prototype; combined action platoon; combined action program; command analysis pattern; commander's audit program; commencing at a point; communications afloat program; community alert patrol; computerized assignment of personnel; contingency amphibious plan; contract administration panel; contractor-acquired property; control and authorization process; cost analysis plan; current assessment plan; Capability |
polym. |
computer aided production |
st.exch. |
competitive advantage period (dimock) |
tech., abbr. |
cable access point; cleaner air package; codes and paging; continuous audit program; corrective action program; cryogenic associative processor; crystalline anisotropy field; current amplification factor |
abbr., earth.sc. |
capitulum |
abbr., oil |
Capitan |
fin. |
customer approved payment |
lat. |
Capricornus (the Capricorn, Козерог Vosoni) |
mil. |
continuous airborne patrol |
tradem. |
Cia de Acero dal Pacifico SA (Чили) |
abbr. |
Chapter |
Cypr. |
Companies Law Cap. 113 (4uzhoj) |
lat. |
Capitulum (Little Chapter Breviary) |
qual.cont. |
capacity |