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adv absolutely

| adv ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 一向 ichi1 (いっこう); 何様; 何さま often used sarcastically; 誠に ichi1 news1 nf09; 真に; 寔に; 洵に; 實に oK; 絶対 ichi1 news1 nf04 (ぜったい); 断じて ichi1 news1 nf22; 一向に ichi1 news1 nf12; 絶対に ichi1; 神掛けて; 神かけて; 努努; 夢夢; 努々; 夢々 usu. in expressions of prohibition; 実に ichi1 news1 nf05
exp adv pref absolutely | exp adv pref ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] abbr.
abbr. パネェ; ぱねぇ; パネエ; ぱねえ; パねぇ; ぱネェ
adv uk absolutely | adv uk ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 只々; 只只; 唯々; 唯唯 emphatic modifier
adv obsc followed by a verb in negative form absolutely | adv obsc ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 根から葉から (not); 根っから葉っから (not)
followed by a verb in negative form absolutely ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 根っから news2 nf25 (not)
adj-na n absolutely | adj-na n ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 断断固; 断断乎
followed by a verb in negative form absolutely ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 根から (not)
n adj-t adv-to absolutely | n adj-t adv-to ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 断然 ichi1 news1 nf19
exp uk absolutely | exp uk ['æbsə'lu:tlɪ] adv.
gen. 迚もじゃないが (cannot)
: 38 phrases in 5 subjects

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