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[spred] adj.
gen. 蔓延る ichi1; 移る ichi1 news2 nf38 (as in fire, うつる); 遷る (as in fire); 言い散らす (a report); 言散らす (a report); 広まる ichi1 news1 nf20; 弘まる; 広める ichi1 news2 nf31; 弘める; 撒き散らす; まき散らす; 撒く ichi1 (rumours, etc.); 散らす ichi1 news2 nf47; 散る ichi1 news2 nf27; 乗り news1 nf07 (of paints); 伸す; 伸びる ichi1; 延びる ichi1 news2 nf26; 張る ichi1 news1 nf13; 貼る esp. 貼る ichi1; 塗る ichi1 news2 nf27 (ぬる); 燃え移る news2 nf41; 燃え広がる news2 nf40 (flames); 流れる ichi1 news2 nf47; 滲む ichi1; 伸び ichi1 news1 nf03 (nobi); 延び; 広がる ichi1 news2 nf33 (out); 拡がる (out); 広げる ichi1 news1 nf07; 拡げる; 展げる; 染み渡る; 滲み渡る; 敷物 news2 nf45 (しき・もの); 敷き物; 裾野 news2 nf45 (すその); 博する (one's name, etc.); 博す (one's name, etc.); 塗り広げる; おっ広げる; 押っ広げる emphatic form of 広げる; 流布する Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
busin. news2 nf44 (さや)
comp., MS スプレッド (A small overlap that extends the shape of the upper of two differently colored, abutting objects. A spread extends beyond the area that it knocks out, supureddo)
construct. スプレッド (supureddo)
law 流布 Japanese Law Translation Database System
n vs spread | n vs [spred] adj.
gen. 伝播 news2 nf36 (denpa); 伝搬 (でんぱん); 波及 news1 nf12; 普及 ichi1 news1 nf03; 蔓延 news2 nf43 (e.g. of a disease); まん延 (e.g. of a disease); 蔓衍 (e.g. of a disease); 弘通 (of Buddhist teachings)
n spread | n [spred] adj.
gen. 広がり news1 nf07 (ひろがり); 拡がり; 値鞘 (in prices, ねざや); 広まり news1 nf20; 広袤
comp. 散布度; 散布量
n vs adj-no spread | n vs adj-no [spred] adj.
gen. 拡散 news1 nf04 (e.g. signal across the spectrum, kakusan)
spread of the branches [spred] adj.
landsc. 枝振 (えだぶり)
n two-page spread | n [spred] adj.
gen. 見開き news2 nf30
fire spread [spred] adj.
law 延焼 (えんしょう) Japanese Law Translation Database System
 English thesaurus
spread [spred] adj.
jewl. Refers to a piece of jewelry that features a scattered or spread out design. The spread also refers to the distance from one station or stone to the next.
SPREAD [spred] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Systems Programming, Research, Engineering and Development (IBM)
: 147 phrases in 15 subjects
International Monetary Fund2
Lighting other than cinema1
Obsolete / dated5
Power lines2
Satellite communications1
Vacuum tubes1

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