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conj uk ... on earth

| conj uk
gen. ichi1 news2 nf25 (e.g. "who on earth?"); 抑抑 (e.g. "who on earth?"); 抑々 (e.g. "who on earth?")
adv yoji ... on earth | adv yoji
gen. 一体全体 (e.g. "who on earth?"); いったい全体 emph. form of 一体 (e.g. "who on earth?")
uk arch ... on earth | uk arch
gen. 平更 (e.g. "who on earth?")
adv ...on earth | adv
gen. 一体 before an interrogative, forms an emphatic question ichi1 news1 nf04 (e.g. "who on earth?", いったい)
expressing surprise ...on earth?
gen. 然れば
on earth?
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated2
Titles of works of art1

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