gen. |
焼く ichi1; 燬く oK; 焚く oK; 煎る news2 nf46; 炒る; 熬る; 叩き出す (someone); たたき出す (someone); 発する ichi1 news1 nf22 (a gun); 罷めさせる (from job); 飛ばす ichi1 news2 nf26 (とばす); 放つ ichi1 news1 nf21 (e.g. an arrow); 放り出す; ほうり出す; ちょん切る; ほっぽり出す; 押っ放り出す; 押放り出す; おっ放り出す; おっぽり出す; 火を吹く (of a gun); 首切る; 首斬る; 馘る; 剄る |
construct. |
火災 (かさい) |
obs. |
馘す |
gen. |
ファイア gai1; ファイヤー; ファイヤ; 火の手 news2 nf31; 火気 news2 nf45; 火災 ichi1 news1 nf05 (かさい); 火事 ichi1 news1 nf10; 砲火 news1 nf23; 行動力 |
gen. |
射撃 news1 nf13 (しゃげき) |
gen. |
発火 (hakka) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) |
gen. |
火 ichi1 news1 nf02 |
disastrous fire ['faɪə] n | |
gen. |
祝融 |
English thesaurus |
jewl. |
dispersion |
abbr., auto. |
flows in reciprocating engine |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
Finnish intelligence research establishment |
The use of weapon systems or other actions to create specific lethal or nonlethal effects on a target (JP 3-09) |
abbr. |
Feminist International Radio Endeavor; Finance Insurance And Real Estate; Freedom Is Real Education; Find Inform Restrict Extinguish (Interex); Flexible Intelligent Routing Engine (3Com) |
abbr., astronaut. |
Fire in Global Resource and Environmental Monitoring programme |
abbr., earth.sc. |
flame infrared emission detector; flow in reciprocating engine |
abbr., el. |
Fairchild integrated real-time executive; flexible intelligent route engine; fully integrated RISC emulator |
abbr., inf. |
hot |
abbr., IT |
Fully Integrated Robotised Engine |
abbr., law |
Forensic And Incident Response Environment |
abbr., mil., avia. |
flight investigation reentry environment |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
First ISCCP Regional Experiment |
abbr., progr., IT |
Faith Intercession Repentance And Evangelism |
abbr., relig. |
Faith Intercession Repentance Evangelism; Family Intergenerational Religious Education; Foundations For Intimate Relationship Encounters |
abbr., sport. |
Free Internet Roleplay Experiences |
abbr., transp. |
Functionally Integrated Railway Electronics |
mil., abbr. |
flight in a radiation environment |
tech., abbr. |
fingerprint reader |