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['faɪə] n
gen. 焼く ichi1; 燬く oK; 焚く oK; 煎る news2 nf46; 炒る; 熬る; 叩き出す (someone); たたき出す (someone); 発する ichi1 news1 nf22 (a gun); 罷めさせる (from job); 飛ばす ichi1 news2 nf26 (とばす); 放つ ichi1 news1 nf21 (e.g. an arrow); 放り出す; ほうり出す; ちょん切る; ほっぽり出す; 押っ放り出す; 押放り出す; おっ放り出す; おっぽり出す; 火を吹く (of a gun); 首切る; 首斬る; 馘る; 剄る
construct. 火災 (かさい)
obs. 馘す
n fire | n ['faɪə] n
gen. ファイア gai1; ファイヤー; ファイヤ; 火の手 news2 nf31; 火気 news2 nf45; 火災 ichi1 news1 nf05 (かさい); 火事 ichi1 news1 nf10; 砲火 news1 nf23; 行動力
n vs fire | n vs ['faɪə] n
gen. 射撃 news1 nf13 (しゃげき)
n fire ['faɪə] n
gen. 発火 (hakka) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n n-suf fire | n n-suf ['faɪə] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf02
disastrous fire ['faɪə] n
gen. 祝融
 English thesaurus
fire ['faɪə] n
jewl. dispersion
FIRE ['faɪə] abbr.
abbr., auto. flows in reciprocating engine
abbr., mil., air.def. Finnish intelligence research establishment
fires n
USA The use of weapon systems or other actions to create specific lethal or nonlethal effects on a target (JP 3-09)
FIRE ['faɪə] abbr.
abbr. Feminist International Radio Endeavor; Finance Insurance And Real Estate; Freedom Is Real Education; Find Inform Restrict Extinguish (Interex); Flexible Intelligent Routing Engine (3Com)
abbr., astronaut. Fire in Global Resource and Environmental Monitoring programme
abbr., earth.sc. flame infrared emission detector; flow in reciprocating engine
abbr., el. Fairchild integrated real-time executive; flexible intelligent route engine; fully integrated RISC emulator
abbr., inf. hot
abbr., IT Fully Integrated Robotised Engine
abbr., law Forensic And Incident Response Environment
abbr., mil., avia. flight investigation reentry environment
abbr., nautic., scient. First ISCCP Regional Experiment
abbr., progr., IT Faith Intercession Repentance And Evangelism
abbr., relig. Faith Intercession Repentance Evangelism; Family Intergenerational Religious Education; Foundations For Intimate Relationship Encounters
abbr., sport. Free Internet Roleplay Experiences
abbr., transp. Functionally Integrated Railway Electronics
mil., abbr. flight in a radiation environment
tech., abbr. fingerprint reader
: 793 phrases in 18 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Food industry1
International Monetary Fund2
Name of organization18
Obsolete / dated11
Risk Management1
Titles of works of art1

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