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evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf07 (いん); ; (あかし); 証し esp. 印, 標 io
comp., MS 証拠 (The properties of code, such as a digital signature or the zone or site of its origin, that are used by security policy to grant permissions to code, しょうこ)
n evidence | n ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. 形跡 news1 nf16; 證據 oK; 物証 news1 nf22; 事迹; 事跡; 事蹟; 証左 (しょうさ); 跡形 news2 nf33; 跡方; 跡かた; 証拠物件; 証跡; 信証; 証拠品 (しょうこひん); エビデンス; 証拠物; 罪証 (of a crime, ざいしょう)
n vs evidence | n vs ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. 証言 news1 nf03; 明証
criminal evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
law 罪跡 Japanese Law Translation Database System
 English thesaurus
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
IT Information that proves or disproves a stated issue 2. Information that an auditor gathers in the course of performing an IS audit; relevant if it pertains to the audit objectives and has a logical relationship to the findings and conclusions it is used to support (Audit perspective)
law a s oral or written statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case; Any proof legally presented at trial through witnesses, records, and/or exhibits
law, abbr. evid.
mil., abbr. evid
Evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] abbr.
abbr., law Ev..
law, abbr. E
: 62 phrases in 2 subjects