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[peɪv] n
construct. 舗装 (ほそう)
tech., fr. パーベ
chocolate pavé n
food.ind. 石畳 news2 nf28 (いしだたみ); 石だたみ
 English thesaurus
PAVE [peɪv] abbr.
abbr., mil., air.def. the precision acquisition vehicle entry
abbr., mil., avia. precision acquisition vehicle entry
mil., abbr. position and velocity extraction
PAVES abbr.
abbr., el. program analysis validation and evaluation system
pave [peɪv] n
jewl. A type of setting in which the stones are effectively "paved" into the piece of jewelry with a precious metal. Often small gemstones or pieces of jewelry with curve surfaces use this technique to set stones.
PAVE [peɪv] abbr.
abbr. Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation; USAF Programs Connected Night Avionics, Target Designators, Vision
abbr., med. Program For The Assessment Of Veterinary Education Equivalence
abbr., mil. Precision Acquisition Vehicle Entry
abbr., post Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation system
PAVE [peɪv] abbr.
abbr. programmed analysis for value engineering
abbr., space PAWS precision acquisition vehicle entry phased array warning system
: 5 phrases in 1 subject

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