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['geɪʃə] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf07 (ねこ); 左褄 (because they often walked holding the left hem of their kimono); 其れ者; 其者 io
food.ind. also formerly read as ごく
slang ジンゲル
n geisha | n ['geɪʃə] n
gen. 芸者 news1 nf19; 綺麗どころ; 綺麗所; 奇麗どころ; 奇麗所; 芸子; 藝子; 芸妓 news2 nf46; 芸奴 ik; 芸姑 ik; ; 女芸者
obs. 傀儡女
n obsc geisha | n obsc ['geɪʃə] n
gen. 絃妓; 弦妓
apprentice geisha ['geɪʃə] n
gen. 御酌; お酌
 English thesaurus
GEISHA ['geɪʃə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. geodetic inertial survey and horizontal alignment
abbr., el. gun electron induced semiconductor hybrid amplifier
GeISHa ['geɪʃə] abbr.
abbr., oil geodetic inertial survey and horizontal
: 95 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated15

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