gen. |
地 ichi1 news1 nf03 (ぢ) |
comp., MS |
担当地域 (The area in the country/region where an account is located) |
gen. |
テリトリー gai1; 区域 ichi1 news1 nf06 (くいき); 国土 ichi1 news1 nf06; 准州; 縄張り ichi1 news1 nf17 (なわ・ばり); 縄張 (なわばり); 繩張り; 領分 news2 nf42; 版図; 属領; 領国; 所領; 準州; 県 (pre-Taika: under the Yamato court Heian: under a provincial governor, etc.); 縣 oK (pre-Taika: under the Yamato court Heian: under a provincial governor, etc.) |
gen. |
領域 ichi1 news1 nf08 (ryōiki); 領地 news2 nf36 spec2 (りょうち); 領土 ichi1 news1 nf01 (りょうど); 自治区 |
gen. |
島 ichi1 news1 nf02 (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc., しま); 嶋 (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.) |
gen. |
生態 ichi1 news1 nf11 (せいたい) |
gen. |
領内 news1 nf10 |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
ter; terr |
mil., abbr. |
trty; ty |
law, abbr. |
T. |