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[gæp] n
gen. 欠陥 ichi1 news1 nf06 (けっかん); ichi1 news1 nf02 (kuchi); 脱落 ichi1 news1 nf23 (だつらく); 断層 news1 nf13 (dansō); ichi1 news1 nf02 (はば); ; ichi1 news1 nf09 (between people, countries, etc., みぞ); 欠缺 Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat) ; 山間 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 海隙 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. ギャップ (gyappu); 空隙 (kūgeki); 隙間 (すきま)
phys. 空障 (くうげき)
tech. 間隔 (kankaku); ギャップ (building, gyappu)
GAP [gæp] n
gen. GTPase活性化タンパク質 (abrv) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n gap | n [gæp] n
gen. ずれ news2 possibly written 滑 or 滑れ nf26 (zure); ギャップ gai1 (gyappu); ブランク gai1 (buranku); 隔たり news1 nf12; 空所 (くうしょ); ichi1 news2 nf43; 透き; 隙間 ichi1 news2 nf45 (すきま); すき間; 透き間; 透間; 隙き間 io; 差異 news1 nf17 (さい); 差違; 山峡; 切れ目 news1 nf19; 切目 (きりめ); 空き ichi1 news1 nf13 (あき); 明き; 絶え間 news2 nf27; 開き news1 nf08 (hiraki); 垣間 (e.g. in hedge)
obs. 相中; 相仲
n uk gap | n uk [gæp] n
gen. 切れっ処 (in a mountain ridge); 切れっ戸 (in a mountain ridge); 切処 (in a mountain ridge); 切戸 (in a mountain ridge)
n obsc gap | n obsc [gæp] n
gen. 隙目; 透き目; 透目
n adj-no gap | n adj-no [gæp] n
gen. 間隙 (kangeki); 空隙 (kūgeki)
air gap [gæp] n
magn. 空隙、エアギャップ
n-adv n gap | n-adv n [gæp] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (ま)
gap of a flameproof joint [gæp] n
el., sec.sys. すきま 接合面の (sukima)
Gap [gæp] n
geogr. ガープ (France)
 English thesaurus
gap [gæp] n
agric. gross agricultural product
mil., logist. An area within a minefield or obstacle belt, free of live mines or obstacles, whose width and direction will allow a friendly force to pass through in tactical formation. 2. Any break or breach in the continuity of tactical dispositions or formations beyond effective small arms coverage. 3. A portion of a minefield of specified width, in which no mines have been laid, to enable a friendly force to pass through the minefield in tactical formation (FRA); Obstacle made up of a continuous ditch, generally filled with running water. (FRA)
tech. general arrangement plan (rodion2311)
GAP [gæp] abbr.
abbr. Game Availability Page; Games Activities And Puzzles; Gangster Ass Punk; Gap Analysis Program; Gap Analysis Project; Gather And Play; Gender And Policies; Gender And Policy; Generalized Area Partitioning; Generally Annoying People; Generate And Print; Generating Academic Performance; Generating Academic Potential; Generation Of Action And Power; Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth); Generic Address Parameter; Genocide Awareness Program; Genocide Awareness Project; Geographic Analysis Program; Geographic Analysis Project; Geographic Approach To Planning; Georgia Assessment Project; Gets A Prize; Gimp Animation Package; Girls All Pause; Girls Are Powerful; Glaciology of the Antarctic Peninsula; Global Access Project; Global Action Plan; Global Aid Partners; Global Attention Profile; Gloria Al Padre; Gluteal Artery Perforator; GOAL automatic procedure; God Always Provides; God Answers Prayer; God Answers Prayers; God's Anointed People; God's Army Of People; God's Awesome Power; Good Agricultural Practice; Gospel For All Peoples; Governance And Planning; Grab A Pen; Grace Apparatus For Perception; Grace At Prayer; Graduate And Professional; Graduates And Professionals; Graphic Analyzer Program; Gravity Assisted Packing; Great Adventure People; Great Amnesia Project; Great And Proud; Great Ape Project; Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc.; Great Awakening Prayer; Greed Abuse And Profit; Greenwood Archer And Pine; Greyhound Adoption Program; Grid Array Package (Vosoni); Gross Aggregate Position; Group Advisory Panel; Group Assessment Program; Groups Algorithms And Programs; Grumbling Abatement Program; Gsm Applications And Products; GTPase Activating Protein; Guaranteed A Project; Guaranteed Asset Protection; Guaranteed Auto Protection; Guardian Angel Project; Guidance Access Point; Guild Alliance Program; good agricultural practice
abbr., avia. general antenna package; general aviation propulsion; go-around
abbr., data.prot. generative adversarial perturbation (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., el. gateway access protocol; graphics application program
abbr., file.ext. General Assembly Program
abbr., fish.farm. good aquaculture practice
abbr., IT generic access profile (Bricker)
abbr., med. Glottal Area Patency; D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; Growth Associated Protein; Guanosine Triphosphatase-activating Protein; Group For The Advancement Of Psychiatry; Government-Assured Program; GTPase-activating protein; gallstone-associated pancreatitis (bigmaxus); Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply
abbr., mil., avia. general assembly program
abbr., O&G, casp. ground articulating pipeline (Yeldar Azanbayev); global application program (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., pharm. Good Aseptic Practice
abbr., photo. gallium arsenic phosphorus fotodiode
abbr., scottish Glycidyl Azide Polymer; Gun Aiming Post
el. Gallium Phosphide
energ.ind. generally accepted principles
mil. government aircraft plant; grant aid program; guided antitank projectile; gun aiming point; gun-fired antitank projectile
tech. general allocation problem; graphics appraisal program; group on antennas and propagation
GAPS abbr.
abbr., el. general access path structure
abbr., progr., IT Google API Proximity Search
abbr., space ground-to-air passive surveillance
GAP [gæp] abbr.
abbr. general accounting package
abbr., comp., net. gatekeeper
abbr., earth.sc. geographic application program; grid and particles
abbr., mil. gun aiming-point
abbr., oil geological application program; good air puff; graphical automatic programming
abbr., space ground alert posture; guidance autopilot
abbr., telecom. call gapping
abbr., textile general average price
: 155 phrases in 26 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Automatic control1
Cables and cable production1
Electric machinery3
Electric motors2
Electric traction1
Electrical engineering1
Electricity generation1
International Monetary Fund4
Power system protection1
Sound recording7
Thermal Energy3
Vacuum tubes4

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