gen. |
欠陥 ichi1 news1 nf06 (けっかん); 口 ichi1 news1 nf02 (kuchi); 脱落 ichi1 news1 nf23 (だつらく); 断層 news1 nf13 (dansō); 幅 ichi1 news1 nf02 (はば); 巾; 溝 ichi1 news1 nf09 (between people, countries, etc., みぞ); 欠缺 Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat) ; 山間 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 海隙 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) |
construct. |
ギャップ (gyappu); 空隙 (kūgeki); 隙間 (すきま) |
phys. |
空障 (くうげき) |
tech. |
間隔 (kankaku); ギャップ (building, gyappu) |
gen. |
GTPase活性化タンパク質 (abrv) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) |
gen. |
ずれ news2 possibly written 滑 or 滑れ nf26 (zure); ギャップ gai1 (gyappu); ブランク gai1 (buranku); 隔たり news1 nf12; 空所 (くうしょ); 隙 ichi1 news2 nf43; 透き; 隙間 ichi1 news2 nf45 (すきま); すき間; 透き間; 透間; 隙き間 io; 差異 news1 nf17 (さい); 差違; 山峡; 切れ目 news1 nf19; 切目 (きりめ); 空き ichi1 news1 nf13 (あき); 明き; 絶え間 news2 nf27; 開き news1 nf08 (hiraki); 垣間 (e.g. in hedge) |
obs. |
相中; 相仲 |
gen. |
切れっ処 (in a mountain ridge); 切れっ戸 (in a mountain ridge); 切処 (in a mountain ridge); 切戸 (in a mountain ridge) |
gen. |
隙目; 透き目; 透目 |
gen. |
間隙 (kangeki); 空隙 (kūgeki) |
magn. |
空隙、エアギャップ |
gen. |
間 ichi1 news1 nf05 (ま) |
gap of a flameproof joint [gæp] n | |
el., sec.sys. |
すきま 接合面の (sukima) |
geogr. |
ガープ (France) |
English thesaurus |
agric. |
gross agricultural product |
mil., logist. |
An area within a minefield or obstacle belt, free of live mines or obstacles, whose width and direction will allow a friendly force to pass through in tactical formation. 2. Any break or breach in the continuity of tactical dispositions or formations beyond effective small arms coverage. 3. A portion of a minefield of specified width, in which no mines have been laid, to enable a friendly force to pass through the minefield in tactical formation (FRA); Obstacle made up of a continuous ditch, generally filled with running water. (FRA) |
tech. |
general arrangement plan (rodion2311) |
abbr. |
Game Availability Page; Games Activities And Puzzles; Gangster Ass Punk; Gap Analysis Program; Gap Analysis Project; Gather And Play; Gender And Policies; Gender And Policy; Generalized Area Partitioning; Generally Annoying People; Generate And Print; Generating Academic Performance; Generating Academic Potential; Generation Of Action And Power; Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth); Generic Address Parameter; Genocide Awareness Program; Genocide Awareness Project; Geographic Analysis Program; Geographic Analysis Project; Geographic Approach To Planning; Georgia Assessment Project; Gets A Prize; Gimp Animation Package; Girls All Pause; Girls Are Powerful; Glaciology of the Antarctic Peninsula; Global Access Project; Global Action Plan; Global Aid Partners; Global Attention Profile; Gloria Al Padre; Gluteal Artery Perforator; GOAL automatic procedure; God Always Provides; God Answers Prayer; God Answers Prayers; God's Anointed People; God's Army Of People; God's Awesome Power; Good Agricultural Practice; Gospel For All Peoples; Governance And Planning; Grab A Pen; Grace Apparatus For Perception; Grace At Prayer; Graduate And Professional; Graduates And Professionals; Graphic Analyzer Program; Gravity Assisted Packing; Great Adventure People; Great Amnesia Project; Great And Proud; Great Ape Project; Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, Inc.; Great Awakening Prayer; Greed Abuse And Profit; Greenwood Archer And Pine; Greyhound Adoption Program; Grid Array Package (Vosoni); Gross Aggregate Position; Group Advisory Panel; Group Assessment Program; Groups Algorithms And Programs; Grumbling Abatement Program; Gsm Applications And Products; GTPase Activating Protein; Guaranteed A Project; Guaranteed Asset Protection; Guaranteed Auto Protection; Guardian Angel Project; Guidance Access Point; Guild Alliance Program; good agricultural practice |
abbr., avia. |
general antenna package; general aviation propulsion; go-around |
abbr., data.prot. |
generative adversarial perturbation (Alex_Odeychuk) |
abbr., el. |
gateway access protocol; graphics application program |
abbr., file.ext. |
General Assembly Program |
abbr., fish.farm. |
good aquaculture practice |
abbr., IT |
generic access profile (Bricker) |
abbr., med. |
Glottal Area Patency; D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; Growth Associated Protein; Guanosine Triphosphatase-activating Protein; Group For The Advancement Of Psychiatry; Government-Assured Program; GTPase-activating protein; gallstone-associated pancreatitis (bigmaxus); Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply |
abbr., mil., avia. |
general assembly program |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
ground articulating pipeline (Yeldar Azanbayev); global application program (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., pharm. |
Good Aseptic Practice |
abbr., photo. |
gallium arsenic phosphorus fotodiode |
abbr., scottish |
Glycidyl Azide Polymer; Gun Aiming Post |
el. |
Gallium Phosphide |
energ.ind. |
generally accepted principles |
mil. |
government aircraft plant; grant aid program; guided antitank projectile; gun aiming point; gun-fired antitank projectile |
tech. |
general allocation problem; graphics appraisal program; group on antennas and propagation |
abbr., el. |
general access path structure |
abbr., progr., IT |
Google API Proximity Search |
abbr., space |
ground-to-air passive surveillance |
abbr. |
general accounting package |
abbr., comp., net. |
gatekeeper |
abbr., earth.sc. |
geographic application program; grid and particles |
abbr., mil. |
gun aiming-point |
abbr., oil |
geological application program; good air puff; graphical automatic programming |
abbr., space |
ground alert posture; guidance autopilot |
abbr., telecom. |
call gapping |
abbr., textile |
general average price |