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crisis ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. 急性発症 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n crisis | n ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. クライシス gai1; ピンチ gai1 (pinchi); 危局; 危極; ichi1 news1 nf03; 境目 news2 nf29 spec2; 苦境 news1 nf11; 苦況; 分け目; 危急存亡の秋; 危急存亡の時; 非常時 news2 nf25 (ひじょうじ)
uk crisis | uk ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. ichi1 news1 nf08; oK
n adj-no crisis | n adj-no ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. 危機 ichi1 news1 nf01 (きき); 分利 (in an illness)
adj-na,n crisis ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. 非常 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n vs adj-no crisis | n vs adj-no ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
gen. 発症 spec1
 English thesaurus
crisis ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
mil., logist. A national or international situation in which there is a threat to priority values, interests or goals of the parties involved. (FRA)
USA An incident or situation involving a threat to the United States, its citizens, military forces, or vital interests that develops rapidly and creates a condition of such diplomatic, economic, or military importance that commitment of military forces and resources is contemplated to achieve national objectives (JP 3-0)
CRISIS ['kraɪsɪs] abbr.
abbr. Candy Raving Intensely Stepping Illumination Squad; Candy Raving Intensly Stepping Illumination Squad
Crisis ['kraɪsɪs] adj.
mil., abbr. C
: 70 phrases in 3 subjects
International Monetary Fund9