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[trəul] adj.
gen. トロール gai1 (torōru)
inf. 荒らす ichi1 news1 nf22 (e.g. web forums, あらす); 荒す io ichi1 (e.g. web forums)
Troll [trəul] adj.
gen. トロール (torōru)
n suf Internet troll | n suf [trəul] adj.
pejor. (くりゃ)
Internet troll [trəul] adj.
slang 厨房 news2 nf35 (ちゅうぼう); 厨坊
n Internet troll | n [trəul] adj.
gen. 荒らし (あらし)
 English thesaurus
Troll [trəul] adj.
sport., abbr. T
TROLL [trəul] abbr.
abbr., ed. Teacher Reviewers Of On Line Learning
abbr., el. time-shared reactive on-line laboratory
: 2 phrases in 1 subject

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