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['lɑ:mə] n
gen. ラーマ (unclass)
n uk lama | n uk ['lɑ:mə] n
gen. 喇嘛 ateji
Dalai Lama ['lɑ:mə] n
gen. ラマ (unclass)
 English thesaurus
LAMA ['lɑ:mə] abbr.
abbr. local automatic message accounting; Local Automatic Message Accounting (Telephony); Locomotive and Allied Manufacturers' Association; lead air materiel area
abbr., automat. language for automatic mechanical assembly
abbr., bible.term., scient. Library Administration And Management Association
abbr., commun. local automatic massage accounting
abbr., med. Leave Against Medical Advice; long-acting muscarinic antagonist (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil., avia. lead air material area
abbr., pharm. long acting muscarinic antagonist (Игорь_2006)
abbr., telecom. local automatic message account; local automatic message accounting (system)
: 6 phrases in 1 subject

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