gen. |
rapporto m (An official or formal record of a special investigation); relazione m (An official or formal record of a special investigation); rendiconto m (An official or formal record of a special investigation); processo verbale; vidimazione f; riferire m; resoconto m |
agric. |
riporto m |
bank. |
protocollo m |
comp., MS |
segnalazione m (An online form that a user completes to indicate that a piece of content violates the Microsoft Code of Conduct); report m (The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output); rapporto m (The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output); relazione m (The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output) |
econ. |
relazione m |
ed. |
conferenza f |
fin. |
rapporto m |
IT |
notifica f; segnalazione m |
transp. |
verbale m; verbale di contravvenzione |
comp., MS |
Report m (A folder in the workspace browser where available report views are listed) |
ed. |
pagella scolastica |
gen. |
relazionare; riportare; segnalare |
comp., MS |
dichiarare (To update the progression or output of work done outside of the application. The reporting action is taken by a person) |
commer. |
marketing del post-vendita |
fin. |
reportistica |
fin., engl. |
reporting |
fin., social.sc. |
rapporto sull'attività |
law, immigr. |
dichiarazione di ingresso |
market. |
redazione del bilancio |
social.sc. |
segnalazione |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
rpt. |
abbr., law |
rept. |
law |
a formal account of facts or information; An official or formal statement of facts or proceedings; to record the proceedings of a court of law |
law, abbr. |
repl. |
mil. |
rep (MichaelBurov) |
mil., abbr. |
rept; rprt; rpt |
invest., abbr. |
Reps |
law, abbr. |
Rep.; Repts. |
abbr., law |
Rep. (s, er) |