gen. |
trave m; trasmettere |
agric., industr., construct. |
pancone m; tavolone f |
agric., mech.eng. |
bure m; timone di aratro |
astr. |
pennello di raggi; fascio di raggi |
chem. |
bilanciere m (of a balance) |
construct. |
putrella m; trave ad anima piena |
earth.sc. |
fascio di raggi X; raggio m; fascio di radiazione |
earth.sc., phys.sc. |
fascio m |
fish.farm. |
asta f |
hobby |
asse di equilibrio; assi per esercizi di equilibrio |
mech.eng. |
bilanciere m |
med. |
irradiare m |
met. |
bilanciere di pompa; ferro per travi |
textile |
subbio |
transp. |
baglio m; stanga f; fascio di segnali |
transp., construct. |
longarina f |
transp., nautic. |
larghezza f |
main beam of an antenna [bi:m] n | |
antenn. |
fascio principale |
gen. |
travi non metalliche |
industr., construct. |
insubbiare |
English thesaurus |
abbr., karate. |
Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (by Bigelow Aerospace Val_Ships) |
abbr. |
Business and Engineering Alignment Meeting (afmarat); Bridge To Employment And More; Builders Employing Associate Members; Summitt Technology, Inc. |
abbr., auto. |
break-through engine with advanced mechanism system |
abbr., avia. |
Boeing electronic assembly modularization; Boeing engagement analysis model |
abbr., ed. |
Brain Empowerment Awareness Matrix |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Biology Electronics Aesthetics And Mechanics |
abbr., el., scient. |
Biology Electronics Aesthetics Mechanics |
abbr., IT |
Board Electronically Accessible Mail |
abbr., med. |
Brain Electrical Activity Monitoring |
abbr., mil., avia. |
bandwidth-efficient advance modulation |
abbr., nautic. |
The maximum breadth of a ship |
abbr., phys., scient. |
Bosiger Energy Alignment Method |
abbr., physiol. |
Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Bio Electric Assessment Method; Brain Electrical Activity Mapping |
abbr., sport. |
Balance Energy Attitude And Motion; Breathe Energize Align And Move |
abbr., st.exch. |
Bonds Equity And Money; Bonds, Equity, And Money |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Building Engagement And Attainment Of Minority Students |
abbr., el. |
backside emission analysis microscope system |
mil. |
base engineering automated management system |