fin., econ. |
tuarascáil bhliantúil ar ghníomhaíochtaí |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Afar; Against All Risks; Alliance for Aging Research; Anime Academy Radio; Average Art Rating; Active Array Radar; after-action report; American Academy in Rome (Американская академия (археологическое общество) в г. Риме Углов); American Association of Railroads; Automotive Affiliated Representatives (Ассоциация филиальных представительств по продаже автомобилей (США) Углов) |
abbr., auto. |
Angularly Adjusted Roller (translator911) |
abbr., avia. |
advance arrangements required; airport arrival rate; advanced arrangement required; air augmented rocket; aircraft acceptance representative; aircraft accident record; area of air refueling; array area ratio; automatic air refuel; automatic altitude report |
abbr., comp. |
Association for Automated Reasoning (WiseSnake) |
abbr., comp., net. |
automatic alternative routing |
abbr., el. |
auxiliary address record; analogical approximate reasoning |
abbr., fin. |
Average Accounting Return (LyuFi) |
abbr., insur. |
against all risks (страхование от всех рисков Yuriy83) |
abbr., IT |
Automatic Alternate Routing |
abbr., math., scient. |
Arbitrary Angle Reduction |
abbr., med. |
AST / ALT Ratio; area at risk (размер площади, подверженной риску Весельчак У); antigen-antiglobulin reaction; antigen-antibody reaction |
abbr., meteorol. |
Aftermarket Automotive Review; Association of Authors Representatives |
abbr., mil. |
After Action Report; After Action Review; Air To Air Refueling; All American Rejects; Association of American Railroads; Active Antenna Radar (Anglo-French); Air-to-Air Radar; after action review; air-to-air refueling area; after-action report (Andrey Truhachev); after action report (Andrey Truhachev) |
abbr., mus. |
All-American Rejects |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
After Action Reviews (Sakhalin Energy); alkali-aggregate activity |
abbr., oil |
American Railroads; automatic alternate routing. |
abbr., physiol. |
Aortic Aneurysm Repair |
abbr., post |
Advanced Address Recognizer for OCR (1991 RFP for 1995) |
abbr., railw. |
The Association Of American Railroads |
abbr., scottish |
Air-to-Air Refuelling |
abbr., sport. |
Able And Ready; All American Racers; All American Racing |
abbr., st.exch. |
A M R Corporation |
abbr., tech. |
air-to-air refueling |
abbr., transp. |
Airport Acceptance Rate |
airports, avia. |
Aarhus, Denmark |
ecol. |
average annual rainfall |
mil. |
after-action review; air-air refueling; air-augmented rocket; aircraft accident report; alternate acquisition radar; Army area representative |
abbr., econ. |
against all risk |
insur. |
against all risks |
abbr. |
authority for advance ruling (Ksenia Bill) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
accumulation and ablation relationship; accumulation-area ratio |
abbr., mil. |
afteraction report (Andrey Truhachev) |
abbr., oil |
anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence; assembly and recycle |
abbr., space |
arrival and assembly railroads; azimuth ambiguity to signal ratio |