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noun | noun
icon ['aɪkɔn] n
comp., MS kisunnguaq (A small picture that represents a file, folder, program, or other object or function)
 English thesaurus
icon ['aɪkɔn] abbr.
abbr. iconographic; iconography
abbr., IT iconograph
mil., logist. Pictogram used to describe an application, option or function in a program working on a graphics interface. (FRA)
icon. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. iconography
abbr., libr. iconographic
ICON ['aɪkɔn] abbr.
abbr. Inside Comfort Outside Nature; Interactive Computer Owner's Network; International Circle Of Online Noranians; Image Communications and Operations Node
abbr., chem., scient. Isotopes Of Carbon Oxygen And Nitrogen
abbr., el. intelligent console
abbr., file.ext. Icon image (1bit, Sun icon file, Unix)
abbr., fin. indexed currency option note
abbr., IT Icon image; Intelligent Computer Optimized Navigation
abbr., med. International Chiropractic Online Network; Indian Certified Organics Network
abbr., mil. imagery communications and operations node; intermediate coordination node
abbr., oncol. Integrated Cancer Oncology News
abbr., scient. International Council on Nanotechnology
abbr., scottish Image Communications & Operations Node
invest. index currency option note
mil. integrated control
tech. integrated control system
ICONS abbr.
abbr., med. Interagency Conference On Nursing Statistics
tech. Information Center on Nuclear Standards
Icon ['aɪkɔn] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .ico (file name extension)
ICON ['aɪkɔn] abbr.
abbr., oil intercalibration of offshore non-destructive testing
ICONS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. inner continental shelf; isotopes of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur