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[gru:ps] n
comp., MS Katinngajut (The link to the online communities on Windows Live Groups)
group [gru:p] n
comp., MS katinngajut (A collection of elements that can be treated as a whole)
 English thesaurus
group [gru:p] n
mil., abbr. gp; gru; gr; grp
mil., logist. Traditional appellation of the battalion employment force package gathering several Artillery basic units or Commissariat basic units. (FRA)
tech., abbr. gro
USA A flexible administrative and tactical unit composed of either two or more battalions or two or more squadrons; A number of ships and/or aircraft, normally a subdivision of a force, assigned for a specific purpose; A long-standing functional organization that is formed to support a broad function within a joint force commander’s headquarters (JP 3-33)
Group [gru:p] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .grp (file name extension)
: 12 phrases in 1 subject

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