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beacon ['bi:kən] n
comp., MS suar (A signal that tells your Xbox Live and Facebook friends that you want to play a particular game, and notifies you when friends are playing or want to play that game)
 English thesaurus
beacon ['bi:kən] abbr.
abbr., cartogr. ben
avia., Canada An aeronautical light arranged, either through optical design or mechanical motion, to be visible to all azimuths, either continuously or consecutively, to designate a particular point on the surface of the earth
mil., abbr. bcn; bea
BEACON ['bi:kən] abbr.
abbr. Become Employed At Career Online Network
abbr., avia. British European airway computerized office network
abbr., ed. Believing Education And Connecting Our Network
abbr., el. British European airway computer network
abbr., karate. British European Airways Computer Network
abbr., st.exch. Boston Stock Exchange Automated Communication and Order-routing Network