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[dɪ'vaɪs] n
comp., MS njìarụ (A piece of equipment that is running an operating system); njịarụ (A piece of equipment that is running an operating system)
 English thesaurus
device [dɪ'vaɪs] n
herald. an emblematic design used especially as a heraldic bearing (merriam-webster.com Bursch)
IT A generic term for a computer subsystem, such as a printer, serial port or disk drive. A device frequently requires its own controlling software, called a device driver.
jewl. Refers to the main focal point on a coin.
lit. Describes any literary technique, for example metaphors or alliteration.
metrol. A device intended to make a measurement, alone or in conjunction with other equipment
mil., abbr. dev; dv; dvc
: 19 phrases in 1 subject

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