agric. |
tartózkodási hely; lakóhely; elhelyezkedés; fekvés; helyzet |
chess.term. |
hadállás |
law, lab.law. |
álláshely |
shoot. |
testhelyzet |
tab.tenn. |
hozzáállás |
econ. |
elhelyezni |
comp., MS |
Pozíció (An option that allows the user to specify the location of an element on the screen) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
pn |
abbr., austral., slang |
pozzy (get a good pozzy at the football stadium) |
abbr., inf. |
posish |
mil., abbr. |
pos; posit; posn; psn |
mil., logist. |
Terrain, whether organized or not, occupied by a unit tasked with its defense, or organized a priori for a possible future occupation. (FRA) |
mil., abbr. |
Psns |