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[lɪŋk] n
agric. tarka menyhal (U.S.); csapat; munkacsapat; csoport; láncszem
comp., MS hivatkozás (A connection between an element in a hypertext document, such as a word, phrase, symbol, or image, and a different element in the document or in another location, a webpage, file, or script); csatol (To establish a connection to data from another application so that users can view and edit the data in both the original application and in the destination application); csatolás (To connect or associate items or data such as contacts, accounts, or worksheets); összekapcsolás (To connect or associate items or data such as contacts, accounts, or worksheets)
IT, el. kapcsolat
tech. csukló; forgósarok; sarokvas; dugattyúrúd; tolórúd; rúd; karó
to link [lɪŋk] v
construct. köt
 English thesaurus
link [lɪŋk] n
mil., abbr. li; lk
mil., logist. All resources necessary to make two items of equipment communicate. (FRA)
USA A behavioral, physical, or functional relationship between nodes. see also node; In communications, a general term used to indicate the existence of communications facilities between two points. see also node; A maritime route, other than a coastal or transit route, which links any two or more routes (JP 3-0) see also node
LINK [lɪŋk] abbr.
abbr., ed. Let's Include New Kids
abbr., ed., scient. Learning Innovative New Knowledge
abbr., el. logistics information network
abbr., med. WHO Library And Information Networks For Knowledge. Bibliothèque Et Réseaux D'information à L'appui Des Connaissances De L'OMS
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft simulator trainer on the ground
Nasdaq Interlink Electronics
LINKs [lɪŋks] abbr.
abbr., org.name. Gender, Biodiversity and Local Knowledge Systems
: 65 phrases in 13 subjects
Cycle sport1
Information technology4

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