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[beɪl] n
agric. válaszfal; választódeszka; közfal; rekesz
patents. óvadék
row. vízmeritőkanál
sport, bask. labda
tech. kotróveder; vakolókanál; merítőkanál; kis merítőkanál
zoot. állás v box válaszfala; kaloda
Haftkaution bail [beɪl] n
patents. kezesség
bail [beɪl] v
tech. olajszóró kanál
 English thesaurus
bail [beɪl] v
bail bond
law A security deposit usually money given to release a defendant or witness from custody and to make sure that they go to court when they're supposed to
law, court a set of pre-trial restrictions that are imposed on a suspect to ensure that they will not hamper the judicial process (Bail is the conditional release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court when required wikipedia.org); a sum of money or property given as security for the release of a defendant awaiting trial to guarantee that person's appearance in court at a later date
BAIL [beɪl] abbr.
abbr., AI. BAIL (interaktives Fehlerbeseitigungsprogramm)
abbr., earth.sc. boundary and interior layers
abbr., oil borehole acoustic imaging log
BAILS abbr.
abbr., scient. Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Studies
: 14 phrases in 8 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Table tennis1

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