comp., MS |
שירות אימות כתובות (The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bank) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Air Valve Secondary; Added Value And Sophistication; Advanced Visualization Systems; All Very Snobby; Ambient Vapor Sampling; ASPS vernier system; audio video coding standard |
abbr., AI. |
Audio Video coding Standard work group of China |
abbr., auto. |
Adaptive Variable Suspension (YuriDDD); advanced vehicle safety (system); audio-visual frequency code standard; Audi valve lift system; advanced audio-visual frequency code standard; active variable valve control system |
abbr., avia. |
air vehicle specification; aviation supply ship; aided video system; air vehicle simulation; aircraft vectoring system; audio visual system; aviation technical support; avionics ventilation system |
abbr., cinema |
Adult Verification Service |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Audio and Video Streaming |
abbr., data.prot. |
Anti Virus Software (kee46) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
acid volatile sulphide; acid volatile sulfide |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Advanced Visualization Studio |
abbr., el. |
Apple video system; audio/video server; Audio Visual Society; automatic volume sensing |
abbr., expl. |
absolute volume strength of an explosive |
abbr., fin. |
address verification service (Alex Lilo) |
abbr., inet. |
Access Verification System; Address Verification Service; Adult Verification System; Age Verification System |
abbr., IT |
Advanced Visualization System; Application Visualization System; AVS X image file Bitmap graphics |
abbr., karate. |
Avionics Standardization Working Party |
abbr., law |
Age Verification Service |
abbr., med. |
Alabama Vascular Society; American Vacuum Society; acute vestibular syndrome (ННатальЯ); adrenal vein sampling (Natalya Rovina); after visit summary (wildtapejara); Army Veterinary Service |
abbr., mil. |
Advanced Vehicle System; asset validation system; asset visibility system; audiovisual squadron |
abbr., oil |
acoustic volume scattering strength; acid volatile sulfides; Advanced Vision Systems Inc.; advanced visual ization system; automatic verification system |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Auditory Visual Stimulation |
abbr., police |
Automobile Visual Surveillance UK (Val_Ships) |
abbr., progr., IT |
Anti Virus Service |
abbr., scottish |
Advanced Vertical Strike; Avimo Singapore Ltd |
abbr., sec.sys. |
Address Verification System (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., sec.sys., IT |
Access Verification Service; Anti Virus Station |
abbr., st.exch. |
Automated Valuation Service; Aviation Sales Company |
abbr., tradem. |
Advanced Visual Systems; Amador Valley Software |
abbr., transp. |
Aviation Standards |
abbr., vet.med., med. |
Association of Veterinary Students |
el. |
Advanced visualization system |
mil. |
advance in schedule; aerospace vehicle system; aided visual system; alternate vision system; automated verification system |
abbr., med. |
alveolar vessels |