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[bɔks] n
comp., MS zuwa akwati
 English thesaurus
box [bɔks] n
mil., abbr. bx
BOX [bɔks] abbr.
abbr., avia. Borroloola, Northern Territory, Australia
abbr., el. buried oxide (layer); buried oxide into groove of silicon; buried oxide isolation process
abbr., el., scient. Buried OXide
abbr., railw. Boxcar
abbr., st.exch. B O C Group, P. L. C.; Boston Options Exchange (aht)
boxes abbr.
abbr., insur. bx.; bxs
Box [bɔks] abbr.
abbr. boxes
Boxes abbr.
abbr., insur. bs
: 19 phrases in 1 subject

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