close [BrE: kləʊz; AmE: kloʊz] v | |
comp., MS |
κλείνω (To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again) |
earth.sc., el. |
κλείσιμο ηλεκτρονόμου |
el. |
ζεύξη; κλείσιμο |
gen. |
κοντά; κοντινή; κοντινό; στενή; στενό; στενός; σύντομη; σύντομο; σύντομος; κοντινός |
fin. |
κλείσιμο |
comp., MS |
Κλείσιμο (An item on the Connect menu that closes the current window without signing the user out of Communicator) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
circuit breaker closed (MichaelBurov); closed (MichaelBurov); on (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., progr. |
expiration (ssn) |
tech., abbr. |
cl |
abbr., econ. |
central limit order system |