forestr. |
εκχιονιστικό |
gen. |
καθαρισμός |
agric. |
διάκενον,ξέφωτο |
commun. |
απόλυση; απόλυση μιας σύνδεσης |
environ., agric. |
εκχέρσωση |
fin., environ. |
εκκαθάριση |
health. |
διαύγαση; υπερδιαύγαση |
industr., construct. |
ελαφρά λεύκανση; καθάρισμα νήματος |
life.sc. |
αιθρίαση |
mech.eng. |
στεγνή περιστροφή του κινητήρα |
med. |
συμψηφισμός |
stat., fin. |
συναλλαγές κλήριγκ |
gen. |
καθαρή; καθαρίζω; καθαρό; σαφής |
commun., IT |
καθαρισμός πεδίου |
comp., MS |
διάφανος (To turn a setting off or to remove a value) |
fin. |
συμψηφισμός |
industr., construct. |
αζούρ; καθαρός |
nat.sc., agric. |
Καθαρός από εμφανείς ρόζους; Καθαρός από σήψη; Καθαρός; Καθαρός από εμφανή ελαττώματα |
social.sc., transp., agric. |
διαυγής |
fin. |
εκτελωνίζω |
IT, tech. |
απαλείφω; σβήνω; επαναφέρω |
mun.plan., mech.eng. |
αδειάζω; αποσυμφορίζω |
gen. |
κύλινδρος καθαρισμού λαναριού |
industr., construct., mech.eng. |
δόντι μη κοπής προς εξαγωγήν του πριονιδίου |
English thesaurus |
abbr., med. |
cl (Vosoni) |
abbr. |
City Life Education Action for Refugees; Coalition for Leadership Education and Advocacy for Recovery; Community Linked Evaluation Aids Resource; Community, Leisure, Education, Art, Recreation |
abbr., avia. |
closed loop evaluation and reporting |
abbr., busin. |
components life evaluation and reliability (program) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Center for Lake Erie Area Research |
abbr., el. |
components life evaluation and reliability (program) |
abbr., IT |
Clear Logic Edits And Rules |
abbr., med. |
Clear Lens Extraction and Astigmatism Reduction |
abbr., media. |
Chinese Literature Essays Articles Reviews |
abbr., mil. |
Clearing Lanes Effectively And Rapidly |
abbr., mil., avia. |
clearance |
abbr., oil |
compiler, executive program, assembler routines |
abbr., phys., scient. |
Controlled Liquid Electrophoresis Absorption Reflection |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cellular Level of Emotional Access and Release |
abbr., sport. |
Canadian Loss Experience Automobile Rating |
mil. |
closed-loop evaluation and reporting; components life evaluation and reliability |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Cornell Laboratory of Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing |