agric. |
τεμάχισμα f |
gen. |
τεμαχίζω |
English thesaurus |
abbr., el. |
checkout procedure |
abbr., med. |
Cyclophosphamide, Dexorubicin, Vincristine Oncovin, Prednisone (program, program) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
change of operational control |
abbr., progr. |
chat-oriented programming (Alex_Odeychuk) |
abbr. |
Chauvinistic Homophobic Obnoxious Pig; cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone |
abbr., biotechn. |
Chinese hamster ovary protein (ochernen) |
abbr., health., med. |
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia |
abbr., IT |
change in operational control |
abbr., med. |
Cell-surface Phosphocholine; The Children's Hospital Of Phialdelphia; chemotherapy regimen CHOP (MichaelBurov); Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxyldaunomycine, Oncovin , Prednison / Prednisolone (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., mil. |
Change Operational Control |
abbr., mus. |
Community Houses Of Prayer |
abbr., oil |
cold heavy oil production |
abbr., oncol. |
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (Игорь_2006); Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Oncovin, Prednisone |
abbr., pharm. |
cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin, oncovin and prednisone |
abbr., scottish |
Change of OPCON |
abbr., tech. |
change operational control |
abbr., tradem. |
Christians Helping Other People |
mil. |
Change of Operational Command; change of operational control |