gen. |
καροτσάκι |
transp. |
δίτροχο κάρο; καρότσι |
transp., agric. |
κάρο |
math. |
δέντρα παλινδρόμησης και ταξινόμησης |
transp. |
μεταφέρω με μικρό φορτηγό αυτοκίνητο |
agric. |
μεταφορά με κάρο έξω από τον αγρό |
English thesaurus |
abbr., auto. |
carton; Championship Auto Racing Teams Inc |
abbr. |
cartage (Vosoni); cartridge; cairt (КГА) |
cartogr. |
cartographer; cartographic; cartographical |
abbr., dril. |
cartage |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cartography |
abbr., mil. |
chart index |
abbr., mining. |
cartridge |
abbr. |
Coins For Alzheimer's Research Trust; Committee Appointed Review Team; Computer-Assisted Radar Tomography; computer-aided real-time transcription (Artjaazz); collision avoidance radar trainer |
abbr., avia. |
center automatic reliability tester |
abbr., busin. |
cartography |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Communication Access Real Time |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Center of Advanced Research and Technology |
abbr., el. |
complete automatic reliability testing; computer-assisted radiation therapy |
abbr., IT |
Classification And Regression Tree; CMS Abstraction and Reporting Tool; classification and regression tree |
abbr., ling. |
Communication Access Realtime Translation (Reklama); computer-assisted real-time transcription (Reklama) |
abbr., med. |
Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript |
abbr., mil. |
Compact Array Radiolocation Technology; Conformal Array Radar Technology |
abbr., scient. |
Computer Assisted Radar Tomography |
abbr., scottish |
Combat Aircraft Repair Team; Commander's Assessment of Readiness & Training (US Navy) |
abbr., sport. |
Championship Auto Race Team; Championship Auto Race Teams; Championship Auto Racing Team; Championship Auto Racing Teams |
abbr., stat. |
classification and regression trees |
abbr., transp. |
Citizen Advocating Responsible Transport |
mil. |
central automatic reliability tester; completed and ready for test |
ocean., nautic., scient. |
Cloud and Radiation Testbed |
tech. |
centralized automatic recorder and tester; computerized automatic rating technique |
cartog. [eɪ'kɑ:teɪ] abbr. | |
abbr. |
cartographer; cartography; cartographic; cartographical |
abbr. |
combination antiretroviral therapy (комбинированная антиретровирусная терапия Dimpassy) |
abbr. |
Carter's Reports |