gen. |
γεφυρώνω |
agric. |
θόλος m; καμάρα |
cultur. |
καβαλλάρης; καβαλλέτο |
econ. |
γέφυρα |
environ. |
γέφυρα |
industr., construct., met. |
γεφυρωτό φράγμα |
mech.eng. |
πυρίμαχο διαχωριστικό τοιχείο κλιβάνου; δοκός εργαλειοφορέα |
med. |
γέφυρα δοντιών |
transp. |
κλάδος καταστρώματος |
transp., nautic. |
ο κλειστός χώρος της γέφυρας; υπερστέγασμα γέφυρας |
earth.sc., el. |
να βραχυκυκλωθεί |
el. |
γέφυρα |
bridge A structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle [brɪʤ] n | |
environ. |
γέφυρα |
agric. |
δημιουργία θόλου; δημιουργία καμάρας |
met. |
γεφύρωμα; κάλυμμα; σχηματισμός κορώνας |
gen. |
συνδυασμός εργαλείων |
English thesaurus |
IT |
Data link layer device developed in the early 1980s to connect local area networks LANs or create two separate LAN or wide area network WAN network segments from a single segment to reduce collision domains (A bridge acts as a store-and-forward device in moving frames toward their destination. This is achieved by analyzing the MAC header of a data packet, which represents the hardware address of an NIC) |
mil., abbr. |
bdg; br; brdg; brg |
abbr. |
Broadening And Redefining Individuality Diversity Goodwill And Excellence; Building Relations Internationally And Developing Global Education |
abbr., ed. |
Building Rehabilitating Instructing Developing Growing And Employing; Building Resources In Developing General Education |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Binational Regional Initiative Developing Greater Education |
abbr., IT |
Building Restoring Initiating Developing Growing And Empowering |
abbr., relig. |
Bringing Religion Ideas Discussion God To Everyone |
abbr. |
Building Resources To Improve The Delivery Of Genuinely Effective Services; Building Respect In Diverse Groups To Enhance Sensitivity |
abbr., ed. |
Beginners Road Into Directly Grasping English Spelling |
telecom., abbr. |
B |