agric. |
υνί ενταφιασμού των σπόρων |
agric., mech.eng. |
σώμα αρότρου; σώμα f |
commun., el. |
πώμα f |
el. |
προστατευτικό κάλυμμα; ακροκιβώτιο m |
industr., construct. |
μποτίνι; μπότα f |
industr., construct., met. |
καλόττα f; δέμα ινών; μπόγος ινών |
transp. |
κιβώτιο; χώρος αποσκευών |
gen. |
μπότες f |
IT |
εκκινώ; εκκινώ υπολογιστή |
English thesaurus |
mil., lingo |
bootie (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., account. |
Build Own Operate And Transfer; build, own, operate, transfer (Vladimir71) |
abbr., busin. |
BOOT project (MichaelBurov); build, own, operate and transfer (MichaelBurov); build-own-operate-transfer (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., construct. |
buildownoperatetransfer (MichaelBurov); buildownoperatetransfer agreement (MichaelBurov); build–own–operate–transfer (MichaelBurov); build–own–operate–transfer agreement (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., econ. |
Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (at) |
abbr., logist. |
Build-Owner-Operate-Transfer |
abbr., mil. |
Build Own Operate Transfer |
abbr., O&G |
build-own-operate-transfer agreement |
Nasdaq |
Lacrosse Footwear, Inc. |
gen. |
an illegal linear amplifier connected to a citizen band radio to boost transmission (Muravi) |