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[bi:t] n
gen. κτύπος m; κτυπώ
beat [bi:t] v
agric. Τμήμα
earth.sc., transp. διακρότημα
hobby πλεύση με διαδρομές; βολτατζάρω; διαδρομώ
med. πάλλομαι νb πάλθηκα; κτυπώ κτύπησα; χτυπώ χτύπησα; σφύζω
beating ['bi:tɪŋ] v
agric. Εκτελώ συμπληρωματική φύτευση
earth.sc., transp. διακρότημα
industr., construct. χτύπημα; ρεζέρβα
tech., industr., construct. άλεση; μηχανική κατεργασία των ινών
to beat [bi:t] v
nat.sc., agric. Κατευθύνω
 English thesaurus
beat [bi:t] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang cream (Our team creamed them badly)
lit. The stress of the rhythm or foot in poetry and other texts.
slang exhausted (After working all day I am really beat)
BEAT [bi:t] abbr.
abbr. Barnsley Estates Action Team; Bristol Employment Action Team; Best Enhanced Advanced Technology (Trident, AT)
abbr., bible.term., scient. Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team
abbr., ed. Basics Enrichment And Technology
abbr., mus. Bijot Ensemble Of Acoustic Troubadours
abbr., opt. bistable etalon by absorbing transmission
abbr., physiol. Boost Education of Arthritis Treatment
abbr., physiol., med. Boost Education Of Arthritis Treatment
abbr., scient. Biomedical And Environmental Agriculture Technology
abbr., sport. Baseball Editorials Analysis and Talk
abbr., transp. Binary Electric Automotive Technology
: 62 phrases in 13 subjects
Criminal law1
Earth sciences2
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology1
Life sciences1
Social science1

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