resonance : 949 phrases in 49 subjects |
Acoustics | 1 |
Analytical chemistry | 18 |
Antennas and waveguides | 3 |
Artificial intelligence | 1 |
Astronomy | 1 |
Automated equipment | 12 |
Automobiles | 14 |
Biology | 3 |
Chemistry | 39 |
Communications | 1 |
Computer numerical control | 2 |
Construction | 5 |
Dosimetry | 4 |
Earth sciences | 44 |
Education | 2 |
Electricity generation | 2 |
Electronics | 29 |
Emergency medical care | 2 |
Engines | 11 |
Environment | 2 |
General | 35 |
Geophysics | 1 |
Health care | 6 |
High energy physics | 104 |
Life sciences | 2 |
Magnetics | 1 |
Measuring instruments | 9 |
Medical | 77 |
Medical appliances | 38 |
Metallurgy | 6 |
Microelectronics | 1 |
Mining | 1 |
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation | 2 |
Natural sciences | 9 |
Nuclear physics | 7 |
Optics branch of physics | 9 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 4 |
Physical sciences | 3 |
Physics | 278 |
Piezoelectric crystals | 14 |
Radiation | 4 |
Radiobiology | 1 |
Refrigeration | 1 |
Satellite communications | 1 |
Superconductivity | 4 |
Technology | 125 |
Telecommunications | 1 |
Textile industry | 6 |
Transport | 3 |